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词汇 neat
释义 neatUK:*/ˈniːt/US:/nit/ ,(nēt)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 neat adj (room, etc.: tidy)整齐的;整洁的;井井有条的Seth always kept his room neat.赛斯总是让自己的房间井井有条。 neat adj (person: well groomed) (人)衣着整洁的Kate always looked neat and well dressed.凯特总是衣着整洁,干练精致。 neat adj (person: fastidious) (人)有条理的,爱整洁的Dan was a very neat person and didn't like mess.丹是个爱整洁的人,最受不了脏乱不堪了。 neat adj (handwriting: precise) (书写)干净的,清晰的Kelsey's neat handwriting was easy to read.凯尔西干净的字迹很容易看懂。 neat adj (alcohol: undiluted) (酒)纯的,没有掺水的My father likes his whiskey neat. He says even ice changes the flavor.我爸爸喜欢喝纯威士忌。他说就算只是冰块也会破坏口感。 neat adj dated, US, slang (cool, interesting)有趣的;很有意思的;极棒的Larry told a neat story at the party.拉里在派对上讲了个有趣的故事。 neat adv informal (neatly)整齐地She took off her jacket and folded it neat.她脱下夹克,整齐地叠好。 Neat! interj US (cool, great)太好了;太棒了Neat! You got the new Lord of the Rings game!太好了!你买到了新出的《魔戒》游戏! 其他翻译 neat n archaic or dialect (bovine animal) (总称)牛 复合形式: as neat as a pin, as neat as a new pin, like a new pin expr (very neat and tidy)非常整洁;十分干净




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