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词汇 morning
释义 morningUK:*/ˈmɔːrnɪŋ/US:/ˈmɔrnɪŋ/ ,(môr′ning)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 morning n (sunrise until noon) (日出至午时)早上;早晨The morning is the most peaceful time of day.早晨是一天里最宁静的时刻。usage: the present dayYou refer to the morning of the present day as this morning.His plane left this morning.‘When did the letter come?’ – ‘This morning.’You refer to the morning of the previous day as yesterday morning.They held a meeting yesterday morning.If something will happen during the morning of the next day, you can say that it will happen tomorrow morning or in the morning.I've got to go to work tomorrow morning.Phone him in the morning. morning n (12 AM to 12 PM) (午夜到次日中午)早晨,清早,早上,上午He worked all night until the early hours of the morning.他通宵都在工作,一直到凌晨几点时才休息。 morning n (work hours till noon) (工作时间)早上,上午,上半天I read my email in the morning.我早上看邮件。 morning n (before noon: on given day) (白天)中午之前,上午We have a meeting next Wednesday morning.下周三上午,我们有一场会议。 morning n as adj (occurring in the morning)早上发生的;早上的I like to take my morning coffee in bed.我早上喜欢在床上喝咖啡。 morning interj informal (greeting: good morning) (非正式用语)早上好,早安Morning, all!大家,早上好! 其他翻译 morning n figurative (beginning) (比喻)早期,初期Frank is in the morning of his career.弗兰克正处在自己事业的初期阶段。 复合形式: early morning n (just after dawn)清晨,清早,凌晨; (口语)一大早Early morning is the best time to watch birds, because they've just landed after migrating all night. every morning adv (early each day)每天早晨It is important to eat a good breakfast every morning.I have cereal and muesli for breakfast every morning except when I am on holiday. good morning interj (hello: before noon)早上好Good morning! You're up bright and early today!早上好!你今天起得可真早! in the morning adv (every morning)每天早上;每天早晨I like to read the news and drink an espresso in the morning.我喜欢早上看新闻,喝一杯浓缩咖啡。 in the morning adv (on a given morning)在上午I'll come round in the morning for a cup of coffee.我早上会过来喝杯咖啡。 in the morning adv (time: of the morning)早上;早晨My children usually wake me up at 6 o'clock in the morning.Audrey came home at 2 in the morning.我的孩子通常在早上6点叫醒我。//奥黛丽凌晨2点才回家。 midmorning (US), mid-morning (UK) n (middle of the morning)上午中段,上午十点左右 midmorning (US), mid-morning (UK) adj (occuring halfway through morning)发生在上午中段的,发生在上午十点左右的 midmorning (US), mid-morning (UK) adj (halfway through the morning)上午中段时间的;上午10点左右的 morning after n (when aftereffects are felt)宿醉;过度放纵后的不适感Audrey had a great night out, but waking up on the morning after wasn't so much fun. morning coat (clothing)晨衣;晨礼服 morning glory n (convolvulus: flowering plant)牵牛花The morning glory covers the pergola with beautiful blue flowers all summer. morning person n (energetic in the morning)喜欢早起的人,早上精力充沛的人Marie is a morning person; she jogs 2 miles before work every day. morning prayers npl (religious worship)晨祷At school, we had to attend morning prayers whether or not we were believers. morning routine n (usual activities done before midday)晨间例行之事My morning routine includes shaving, showering, eating, and getting dressed. morning sickness n (nausea in pregnancy)孕妇晨吐I had such bad morning sickness, I couldn't eat anything but crackers till the sixth month of my pregnancy. the morning star n (Venus as seen before sunrise)金星,启明星 morning star n (medieval weapon) (中世纪武器)钉头锤,晨星 morning star, morning-star n UK regional, Ire (plant: Ornithogalum umbellatum) (百合属植物)渥丹 morning-after pill n (emergency contraceptive)紧急避孕药 morning, noon and night expr (at all times)从早到晚;一直 this morning adv (during the current morning)今晨;今天早上I woke up very early this morning.I have a meeting later this morning. tomorrow morning adv (in period after tonight)明天早上 yesterday morning adv (in A.M. of the day before)昨天早上




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