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词汇 heating up
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beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

eating up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

heading up───抬高水位

healing up───痊愈;治愈

bearing up───使振作;不气馁;驶向下风

belting up───安静些;系上安全带

easing up───v.缓和;放松;减轻

gearing up───齿轮增速

getting up───起床


The election contest is heating up.───选举竞争正趋于白热化。

I'm cold. Turn the heating up.───我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。

Temperature - set, automatic control large heating area, quick heating - up, high evenness and timesaving.───温度设定自动控温,温度显示具有加热面积大 、 生温快 、 温度均匀、控温精确、省时省力.

The competition is heating up.───这场竞赛愈来愈激烈。

With the summer solstice now two weeks gone the northern hemisphere is heating up.───luyue翻译夏至过去两个星期,北半球的气温越来越高.

Dave: Uh - oh. He's heating up. What are you going to do now?───戴夫: 不好喽. 他准备要发动攻势了. 你现在要怎么做?

PID parameter automatically set, 30 - segment automatically heating up programs.───具有PID参数 自整定功能, 可编30段自动升温程序.

Preparations and check before heating up step of cooking.───蒸煮升温前的准备与检查.

Partly as a result, the competition is heating up.───这在一定程度上导致了竞争加剧.

The kundahlini of earth is heating up significantly.───地球的昆达里尼正在显著升温.

The atmosphere was heating up.───气氛沸腾起来.

Terra ( Earth ) is heating up from her core or aurora due to the choice to ascend.───Terra ( 地球 ) 由于她提升的选择正在从核心或说极光升温.

He debated heating up the pot first before his friends came.───他考虑在朋友们到来之前先把火锅烧热.

Uranus however is heating up and melting her icy surface.───不过天王星正在升温并溶化表面的冰层.

Heating Up or Chilling Out?───加热还是冷却?

She was heating up the dishes.───她在加热菜肴.

The meal is already cooked but it will need heating up.───饭菜早做好了,得把它热热才能吃.


He debated heating up the pot first before his friends came.

While the oven is heating up, prepare the sauce.

The election contest is heating up.

The practical heating up curve was agreed with the planned drying-out curve.

You regularly turned the heating up before the intermission, when the icecream girl appeared.

I'm cold. Turn the heating up.

The campaign for book buyers' dollars is heating up again this summer, as the political conventions draw near.

It's heating up here already, yes it's stoking up here nicely for the scorch-riots of August.

The controversy is heating up just days after voters overwhelmingly turned down a ballot proposition to increase mountain lion hunting.

  • heating cable
  • heating bills
  • heating jacket
  • heating medium
  • heating oil
  • heating rate




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