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词汇 member
释义 memberUK:*/ˈmɛmbə/US:/ˈmɛmbɚ/ ,(mem′bər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 member n (person belonging to a group, club)成员;会员I want to be a member of the club.我想成为俱乐部的成员。 member n ([sb] belonging to legislative body) (政治团体)议员,委员,成员The member of Parliament resigned.议会成员辞职了。 member n (animal, thing: belongs to group) (动物、物品等)成员Dogs are members of the canine family.狗是犬科成员。 其他翻译 member n formal (anatomy: limb) (解剖学)肢体,四肢之一The human body has four members attached to the torso.人体有四个连接在躯干上的肢体。 member n euphemism (penis) (委婉说法)阴茎He bragged that his member was too large.他吹嘘说自己的阴茎太大了。 复合形式: become a member v expr (join a group, club)加入;成为...的一员 become a member of [sth] v expr (join: a group, club)加入;成为...的一员 cabinet member, Cabinet member n UK (government official)政府官员;政府高官The Prime Minister has appointed his first four cabinet members following his victory in the election. cabinet member, Cabinet member n US (member of presidential cabinet)内阁成员The President is holding a meeting with cabinet members. card-carrying member n (official member of a group)持会员证的会员,正式成员I'm a card-carrying member of the garden club. card-carrying member n figurative (staunch supporter of a cause)某项事业自发的支持者Chris was a card-carrying member of the anti-nuclear movement. charter member n (founding member)(公司等的)创始成员;元老Geraldine was a charter member of the organization. council member n ([sb] serving on a committee)委员会成员Council members are voting on whether to approve the proposal. crew member n ([sb] in a working team)工作人员The ship sank with 35 crew members on board. dues-paying member n (full member who pays fees) (俱乐部,会所)缴费会员See below for more information on the benefits of becoming a dues-paying member of the club. elected member n (person voted in as a member)当选成员;获选者Brian is an elected member of the local council. ex officio member n (member through title, position)当然成员;当然委员The President is an ex officio member of the board but his vote counts the same as an elected board member's.董事长是董事会的当然成员,但董事长的票与获选董事的效力相同。 faculty member n (college, university teacher) (高等教育机构)专职教师;教学人员 family member n (close relative)家庭成员;家属;家属Your friends and family members are welcome to join us.The nurse said only family members were allowed to see the patient. full member n (with all privileges)正式成员;正式会员Only full members of the club may vote at General Meetings. Labour Party member n UK (British politics)工党成员I have been a Labour Party member for 10 years. MBE n initialism (honored person)大英帝国勋章获得者 member country, member state n (country participating in a group)成员国The European Parliament represents people living in the member countries of the European Union. member in good standing n (member who has paid dues) (缴纳了会费等的)正式会员Any member in good standing may nominate candidates for office or vote in elections. Member of Congress n US (law: elected representative) (美国)国会议员John F. Kennedy was elected a member of Congress in 1947. member of Parliament n UK (MP: elected representative)下议院议员My brother has been elected Member of Parliament for Newtown West. member of society n (person)人,社会成员Geraldine's aim in life is to be a useful member of society. member of society n (participant in a community)社区的一员,社区成员 member of staff n (employee)职员,员工,工作人员Members of staff must carry an ID card at all times. member of the bar n (qualified lawyer, barrister)法律界成员Even though he went to law school, he cannot work as a lawyer because he is not a member of the bar. member of the community n (local inhabitant) (当地居民)社区成员Alex is a respectable member of the community. Member of the European Parliament n (representative in EU body)欧洲议会成员 member state n (country belonging to a union)成员国The European Union consists of 28 member states. MEP n initialism (Member of the European Parliament) (member of European Parliament的缩写形式)欧盟议会成员The MEPs voted on the new legislation. nonmember, non-member n (person or group who does not officially belong)非会员;非正式成员 nonmember, non-member adj (not officially belonging)非会员的;非正式成员的 party member n ([sb] belonging to political group)党员Party members are voting on a number of important proposals at their conference. senior member n (experienced member of organization)资深人士;老员工;老会员All senior members of staff must attend the meeting. staff member n (employee)职员Staff members must serve a six-month probation period. team member n (participant in a group)小组成员A team's success depends on its team members. union member n (belongs to a labor group)工会成员Union members are voting on whether to go on strike.




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