dead on───adj.完全正确的;十分精确的(等于dead-on)
had on───穿着;戴着;有事在手头上;使上钩
lead on───v.哄骗;引诱
head tone───头音
head boy───(英)男班长;优等生
head for───前往;出发;取向于
head off───阻止;转移方向
Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.───越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎面相撞。
He bumped his head on the low beams.───他的头碰到了低梁上。
A car came head - on towards ( him ).───迎面开来一辆汽车.
Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on.───我又一次选择了直接面对该问题。
Their car was in a head-on smash with an articulated lorry.───他们的轿车和一辆铰接式货车迎面相撞了。
The car and the van collided head-on in thick fog.───那辆小轿车和货车在浓雾中迎面相撞。
He hit his head on the low ceiling.───他的头碰了低矮的天花板。
Wilde fell and struck his head on the stone floor.───怀尔德摔倒了,头撞在石头地上。
He cracked his head on the pavement and was knocked cold.───他一头撞到人行道上,不省人事了。
Leaning her head on my shoulder, she began to cry.───她把头靠在我的肩上哭了起来.
If the enemy dare to invade us, we'll deal them head - on blows .───敌人胆敢进犯, 我们就给以 迎头痛击.
He has a head on his shoulders.───他很有见地.
In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.───我躺在床上, 将头枕在柔软的羽绒枕上.
Mr Pendle hit his head on a wall as he fell.───彭德尔先生摔倒时头磕到了墙上。
The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.───总统和议会之间正面冲突的唯一赢家将是双方的强硬派。
Four people were seriously injured in a head - on smash on the A 45.───在A45号公路两车迎头相撞的事故中,4人严重受伤.
I cracked my head on the low ceiling.───我的头撞上了低矮的天花板。
He bumped his head on the low beams.───他的头撞到了低矮的横梁上。
Leaning her head on my shoulder, she began to cry.
- headstrong synonym
- head back home
- headwaters bay
- head over
- heading south
- head in
- headlong retreat
- head lice
- head jerk
- headers exhaust
- head to
- head stick
- headache rack
- heads up
- head teacher
- headed paper
- headstart program
- headed by
- head shock
- heads of state
- headquarters hair salon