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词汇 made
释义 madeUK:*/ˈmeɪd/US:/meɪd/ ,(mād)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: make主要翻译 made adj (produced, manufactured)制造的The label on this toy says "Made in Taiwan".玩具标签上印着“台湾制造”。 made adj (how created)制作的;制造的All of these garments were made by hand.所有这些服饰都是手工制作的。 made, -made adj as suffix (made in specified way)制作…的;做工…的This screwdriver is nicely made and will not break.这把螺丝刀制作精良,不会坏。 made, -made adj as suffix (with an adjective: crafted, built) (构成后缀)制造的,建造的Larry drives a British-made car.拉里开的是一辆英国产的车。 其他翻译 made adj US, slang (accepted into the mafia)被黑帮接纳的;加入黑帮的He was made by one of the powerful families the day after he shot six of its rivals.他射杀了一个大家族的六位敌手,当天就被接纳入了该家族。 复合形式:made | make a match made in heaven n figurative (lovers: perfect couple)天作地合的一对;天生一对It was a match made in heaven, and they lived happily ever after. a match made in heaven n figurative (things: perfect pairing)完美匹配;相得益彰 bitch-made adj US, vulgar, slang (worthless)没价值的;无用的 custom-made, custom made adj (bespoke, made to order)定做的;订制的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.The millionaire wore only custom-made suits.His office furniture was custom made.这位百万富翁只穿定制套装。//他的办公家具都是定做的。 factory-made adj (produced in factory)工厂制造的 foreign made, foreign-made adj (manufactured overseas)国外制造;外国造备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Why buy a foreign-made product when you can get a domestic one cheaper? have it made v expr slang (be successful)成功 have it made v expr slang (have guarantee of success)有成功的把握;觉得很容易做到Get a good degree at Oxford or Cambridge and you've got it made! homemade, home-made adj (made at home, handmade)自家做的,家制的; (酒)家酿的Home-made cakes always taste better than factory-made ones. homemade, home-made adj (made by self)手工自制的;个人制作的It looked to me like his furniture was all homemade.在我看来,他的所有家具都是自制的。 homemade, home-made adj (makeshift)做工粗糙的The boys raced down the hill in their homemade go-kart. made by adj (manufactured or crafted by)由…制成This beautiful cap was made by native Peruvians. have [sth] made for [sb/sth] v expr (request special creation)为…特别制作的She had a gown made for the gala. be made for each other, be made for one another v expr informal, figurative (be ideally suited to each other) (情侣等)天造地设,天生一对,非常般配What a lovely couple; they're made for each other.Those two business partners are equally nasty; they're made for one another. be made for [sth/sb] v expr informal, figurative (be ideally suited to)非常适合;为...准备的This job matches your qualifications and experience perfectly; it's made for you! made into adj (turned or transformed into)被制作成…Re-cycled garden waste can be made into compost. made of, made from, made out of adj (built out of)由…制成Those cabinets are made of oak while these cabinets over here are made of pine.那些陈列柜是由橡木制成的,而放在这边的这些则是由松木制成的。 made of adj informal (capable of, strong enough for) (非正式用语)可以做到…的,能做到…的In the army, young men find out what they're really made of. A crisis is an opportunity to show what you're made of.在部队,年轻人能发现自己到底能做到什么。一场危机是展示你能做到些什么的机会。 be made of money v expr figurative, informal (rich) (非正式用语)富得流油My daughter's Christmas list is four pages long; she must think we're made of money! made to measure, made-to-measure adj (designed specifically for [sb/sth])量身订制的,订制的,定做的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun. made to order, made-to-order adj (custom made)订做;订制备注: hyphens used when term is an adj before a nounClothes that are made to order ought to fit better than off-the-rack clothes.Service is slow because each dish is made to order. made up, made-up adj (invented, imaginary)编造的;虚构的备注: A hyphen is used when the term precedes the noun.Don't give me a made-up story. I want to know the truth.别给我编造故事。我想要知道真相。 made-up adj (wearing cosmetics)化妆的;上妆的She's so heavily made-up, you can't tell what she really looks like.她的妆太浓了,根本看不出来她原本长什么样子。 made-up adj (mind: decided)决定的A meeting was held to discuss the plans, but most people arrived with already made-up minds.开这会为了讨论计划,但大多数人来之前都已打定主意。 made up of [sth] expr (comprising)由…组成A computer is made up of many high-tech components.一台电脑是由许多高科技组件组成的。 made up adj UK, regional, informal (pleased)高兴的;开心的It's great that you could come. I'm made up!很高兴你能来。我太开心了! made up about [sth], made up with [sth] expr UK, regional, informal (pleased)为…高兴;因为…开心I'm made up about my new car!我因为有了新车开心。 man-made, also US: manmade adj (artificial or synthetic)人造的;人工合成的Nylon is a man-made fibre used in the clothing industry.尼龙是一种服装行业使用的人造纤维。 pre-made adj (ready-prepared)预制的;预先制作的 ready-made adj (already made for sale)预先做好的;现成的We eat ready-made meals almost every day for supper during the week. ready-made adj figurative (excuse, etc.: existing, available)现成的 self-made adj (independently successful)靠自己努力成功的,白手起家的;靠自己努力成功的Ross is a self-made businessman who started his life in poverty. self-made man n (male: successful through own hard work) (指男性)白手起家的人;靠自己奋斗成功的人 tailor-made adj (custom produced, bespoke)定制的;定做的Savile Row in London is the best place to get a tailor-made suit. tailor-made for [sth/sb] adj figurative (perfectly suited)为…量身打造的Jim has always loved trains, so his new job as a train driver is tailor-made for him. well made, well-made adj (sturdy, built to last)结实的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounHe was a very well-made young man indeed. well made, well-made adj (finely crafted)做工考究的Only master craftsmen can produce well-made furniture. work for hire, work made for hire n US ([sth] created for job)雇佣作品The piece is a work for hire, so the artist cannot collect royalties.




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