

词汇 hard time
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hard times───不景气;市面萧条

half time───(球类的)中场休息;半日工作

hang time───滞空时间;腾空时间

hard line───强硬路线;强硬立场

hard tick───硬蜱

mark time───踏步;原地踏步;停顿不前

part time───n.部分时间;兼任;adj.兼职的;部分时间的

hard cider───烈性苹果酒;发酵的苹果汁

hard drive───(电脑)硬盘驱动器


Do stepparents usually have a hard time winning the confidence of their stepchildren?───继父母要赢得继子女的信赖是不是通常很困难?

I had a hard time getting him to pay up.───我好不容易让他还清了全部欠款。

We had a hard time finding a ferry boat.───我们好不容易找到一只渡船.

In those years he had a very hard time making a living for his family.───那些年他要养家,日子很难过.

Switzerland's national carrier, Swissair, has been having a hard time recently.───瑞士的国有航空公司——瑞士航空公司,最近日子很不好过。

I know you're having hard time and I'm here to take care of you.───你最近举步为艰所以我来这照顾你.

The hard time moulded his personality.───艰难时代塑造了他的个性.

He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platform.───他好不容易才挤到台前.

They really gave me a hard time at the interview.───面试时他们确实是在难为我。

He had a hard time to hold on to himself.───他好不容易才控制住自己.

Men have had a hard time for the last fifteen years. The women'smovement knocked the stuffing out of them.───男性在过去的15年中一直灰头土脸。妇女运动挫败了男人的傲气。

Poor Jimmie is having a hard time peddling his bonds.───可怜的吉美推销债券并不顺利.

Go easy on her—she's having a really hard time at the moment.───对她宽容些吧—她目前的处境真是很艰难。

I know it's a hard time for you.───我知道你心情不好.

This matter really gave him a hard time.───这事可苦了他了.

He had a hard time after the operation, but soon he was holding his own.───他在手术后有一段艰苦的时期, 但很快就好了.

He had a hard time holding on to himself.───他好不容易才把自己控制住.

We had a hard time scraping up enough money for me to get down here.───我们好不容易才攒够钱,让我来到这里.


Gary freaked out and had a very hard time of it.

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