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词汇 lie
释义 lieUK:*/ˈlaɪ/US:/laɪ/ ,(lī)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 lie n ([sth] not true)谎话;谎言The lie got him in trouble when his boss found out the truth.老板发现真相后,谎话给他带来了麻烦。 lie vi (not tell the truth)撒谎;说谎;欺骗备注: conjugation: lie - lied - liedShe lied to her parents about where she was on Friday night.她向父母撒了谎,隐瞒了周五晚上的去向。 lie vi (recline)躺;躺在备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainIf I lie on the sofa, I'll fall asleep.我躺到沙发上就会睡着。usage: ‘lie’Lie is an intransitive verb with two different meanings.To lie somewhere means to be there in a horizontal position, or to get into that position.She would lie on the floor, listening to music.When lie is used like this, its other forms are lies, lying, lay, lain. The -ed participle lain is rarely used.The baby was lying on the table.I lay in bed listening to the rain.To lie means to say or write something which you know is untrue. When lie is used like this, its other forms are lies, lying, lied.Why did he lie to me?Robert was sure that Thomas was lying.He had lied about where he had been that night. lie vi ([sth]: be spread out)摆着;平放;摊开备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainToys were lying all over the bedroom floor.卧室地上到处摆着玩具。 lie vi (item: be, stay)放在;留在备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainHis book lay on the table unread.他的书放在桌上无人问津。 lie vi (be buried)安葬;埋葬备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainHer body lies in that cemetery.她的遗体安葬于那个公墓。 lie vi (be situated)位于;坐落于备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainThe house lies in the valley.那栋房子坐落于山谷里。 lie vi (be found) (问题等)存在于,在于备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainThe student's lack of focus is where the problem lies.该学生注意力不集中是问题所在。 lie in [sth] vi + prep (be due to)在于;由于;因为The problem lies in the fact that he doesn't know how to work with people.问题在于他不知道如何跟别人合作。 lie with [sb/sth] vi + prep (be attributable to)在于,归于The responsibility for the decision lies with the manager.那个决策的责任归于经理一人。 其他翻译 lie n (position, arrangement)位置;布局It's important to familiarize yourself with the lie of the land.Audrey adjusted the lie of the rug. lie vi (remain unchanged)保持(某种状态)不变备注: conjugation: lie - lay - lainJust let this matter lie. We don't want to cause any problems.就让这事儿保持现状不变。我们可不想引起任何麻烦。 动词短语 lie about vi phrasal UK, informal ([sth]: remain unused)闲置的,未使用的 lie about vi phrasal UK ([sb]: lounge idly)懒洋洋地打发时间 lie ahead vi phrasal figurative ([sth]: be going to happen)等在前方;即将发生No matter our plans, we never really know what lies ahead. lie around vi phrasal ([sb]: lounge idly)懒懒散散;闲散着;游手好闲You said you would mow the lawn, but all you've done today is lie around the house.The teenager chose to lie around for most of the day. lie around vi phrasal informal ([sth]: remain unused)闲散不用We have many old books that just lie around the attic waiting to be read. lie back vi phrasal ([sb]: recline)往后靠;往后躺At the end of a hard day, I like to lie back in my favorite recliner and read a good book. lie behind vi phrasal ([sth]: be real reason)是…的原因 lie in, sleep in vi phrasal UK, informal (stay in bed late) (非正式用语)睡懒觉,赖床I will lie in this morning because I was out celebrating my birthday yesterday evening.The newlyweds loved to lie in on Sunday mornings.我今天早上赖床,因为昨天晚上我出去庆祝生日。//这对新婚夫妇喜欢在星期天早上待在床上。 lie over vi phrasal US (break a journey)途中停留 lie over vi phrasal US (be postponed)推迟;延迟The other business on the agenda will have to lie over until the next meeting. lie with [sb/sth] vi phrasal archaic (have sex with)与...有性关系;与...做爱The man was discovered lying with a woman who was married to another. sleep in vi phrasal (get up late)睡到很晚;睡懒觉It's Saturday, so I don't have to get up for work. I can sleep in.周六,我不用上班,所以可以睡懒觉。 复合形式: a big lie n (fraud)诈骗;骗局 the big lie n (propaganda)弥天大谎;大骗局 give the lie to [sth] v expr (prove untrue)证伪;证明...的虚假 have a lie-in v expr UK (sleep late)睡懒觉 lay of the land, lie of the land n (geographical features)地势;地貌;地形的走向When hillwalking, be guided by the lay of the land. let sleeping dogs lie v expr figurative (don't provoke an argument)别自找麻烦,别惹麻烦 lie awake v expr ([sb]: not sleep)清醒地躺着I lay awake most of the night worrying.I miss you and sometimes lie awake at night thinking of you. lie beneath v expr (be under [sth])在...下方 lie detector n (device: police interrogation)测谎仪,测谎器 lie down vi + adv ([sb]: recline, prostrate self)躺下,平躺I'm very tired so I'm going to lie down.The man had to lie down on the table for the doctor to inspect his abdomen.我太累了,要去躺一会儿。 // 那个男人平躺在检查床上,让医生检查他的腹部。 lie fallow vi + adj figurative (be unused) (市场等)不活跃的,死气沉沉的His artistic talents have lain fallow for too long.他的艺术才能荒废已久。 lie fallow vi + adj (farmland: not be cultivated)休耕The farmer is letting this field lie fallow this year. lie-in, sleep-in n UK, informal (sleeping late)睡懒觉;赖床Lie-ins are one of the best things about weekends.睡懒觉是周末最棒的事情之一。 lie in ambush, wait in ambush v expr (be hidden, wait to attack)埋伏;秘密潜伏The outlaws lay in ambush, waiting for the stagecoach to pass. lie in state v expr (corpse: displayed)展示遗体;殡殓后供人凭吊 lie in wait v expr (hide, await [sb])埋伏以待;埋伏起来准备袭击备注: Usually used in continuous tenses.When the victim arrived home, his attacker was already lying in wait. lie in wait for [sb] v expr (hide, await [sb])埋伏以待, 伏击The man was convicted of first degree murder because he had been lying in wait for the victim. lie low, also nonstandard: lay low v expr figurative (not draw attention to yourself)潜伏;低调行事;避风头 lie still vi + adv (lie down motionless)保持静止;躺着不动 lie through your teeth v expr (tell a malicious lie)睁眼说瞎话;扯谎 lie to vi + adv (nautical: come to a stop)泊停;泊靠 lie-down n informal (rest, nap)小睡;小憩Dad decided to have a lie-down after lunch. tell a lie v expr (not tell the truth)撒谎I used to tell a lot of lies when I was a little kid. white lie, little white lie n (fib)善意的谎言His baby was ugly, but I told a little white lie and said it was cute.




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