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词汇 justice
释义 justiceUK:*'justice', 'Justice': /ˈdʒʌstɪs/US:/ˈdʒʌstɪs/US:( jus′tis)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 justice n (fairness)正义;公正Children learn the concept of justice at an early age.孩子们在很小的时候就理解了正义的概念。 Justice n (title: Judge)法官;审判官;审判员Justice Brown listened to the plaintiff's story.布朗法官听取了原告的叙述。 Justice n US (Department of Justice)司法部Justice has to deal with this issue. The matter is no longer under the jurisdiction of Justice since the FBI has taken over.司法部要负责解决这个问题。这件事已经由FBI接手,不再受司法部管辖了。 justice n (administration of law)司法;审判The police brought the criminal to justice.警察将罪犯绳之于法。 其他翻译 justice n (validity)合法性;正当性The justice of Fred's actions is unquestionable. 复合形式: administer justice vtr + n (implement the law)执法Judge Green always strives to administer justice in an impartial manner. administer justice vtr + n (sentence criminals)审判;惩处 bring [sb] to justice v expr (take to court)绳之以法;移送法办Police officers must bring outlaws to justice. bring [sb] to justice v expr (punish)绳之以法;受到法律制裁 Chief Justice n US (presiding judge of Supreme Court) (美国)首席大法官 criminal justice n (legal and police system)刑事司法A majority of young men in the criminal justice system have only committed non-violent crimes. deal out justice v expr (judge: pass sentence)宣判 do [sb/sth] justice, do justice to [sb/sth] v expr (present fairly and accurately)真正反映出…,使...得到公平对待Mr. Smith's oil portrait of the Queen really did her justice.Karen's work did justice to her reputation. ICJ n initialism (International Court of Justice)国际法院;国际法庭 JP, J.P. n initialism (justice of the peace)治安法官,地方法官 justice of the peace n (magistrate)治安官We don't need a priest to get married; we can go to a justice of the peace. miscarriage of justice n (law: wrongful judgement)审判不公;司法不公;误判He was deemed to have suffered a miscarriage of justice and was released from prison. not do justice to [sth/sb], not do [sth/sb] justice v expr (not show well)对…不能得尽其妙;不能充分显示出…的优点That photograph does not do justice to her beauty. pervert the course of justice v expr (influence outcome of a trial) (法律)妨碍司法公正Her lies perverted the course of justice in the case. poetic justice n uncountable (fair reward, punishment)善有善报,恶有恶报;善恶报应 restorative justice n (meeting between offender and victim)恢复性司法;修复式司法 retributive justice n (revenge)报应Vendettas are a traditional form of retributive justice still practised in many parts of the world. see justice done v expr (ensure fairness)确保正义得到声张I don't want revenge; all I want is to see justice done. seek justice vtr + n (take a matter to court)求正义;寻求司法正义 SJW n initialism, pejorative, informal (social justice warrior)社会正义战士 social justice n (fairness in society)社会正义;社会公正 social justice warrior n pejorative (person with progressive views)社会正义战士




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