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词汇 jet
释义 jetUK:*/ˈdʒɛt/US:/dʒɛt/ ,( jet)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 jet n (squirt of liquid)喷射流The geyser spouted a jet of hot water.锅炉中喷出一股热水流。 jet n (jet plane)喷气式飞机; (台湾,新加坡)喷射机Nate had never been on a jet before, and was excited to fly.奈特以前从未乘坐过喷气式飞机,所以要飞一次很激动。 jet engine n (engine)喷气发动机The airplane had two jet engines.这架飞机有两个喷气发动机。 jet n (black stone)煤玉;黑玉;煤精The ring had a beautiful jet in it.戒指上镶着一块漂亮的黑玉。 jet vi (liquid: squirt)喷射Oil jetted out of the leak.油从破口喷射出来。 jet vi (fly by jet) (乘民航机)飞The president jetted to New York for the press conference.总统飞至纽约参加新闻发布会。 其他翻译 jet adj (black)煤玉色的;黑玉色的;煤精色的The walls were painted jet black. jet n (nozzle)喷嘴Larry bought a jet attachment for his garden hose. 动词短语 jet off vi phrasal (go somewhere by plane)乘飞机前往;飞往Many of us like to jet off in search of winter sunshine. They jetted off to Mexico for the weekend.我们许多人都喜欢乘飞机去享受冬日阳光。他们飞往墨西哥去度周末。 复合形式: business jet n (jet for business travel)商务飞机 fighter jet, jet fighter n (high-speed military plane)战斗机,战机 inkjet printer, ink-jet printer n (device for printing from computer)喷墨打印机 jet black, jet-black adj (deep black)乌黑的;油黑发亮的备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounYolanda has jet-black hair. jet black n (deep black)乌黑色These T-shirts are now available in jet black. jet boat n (small boat)喷气艇 jet engine n (uses jet propulsion)喷气发动机,喷气式发动机 jet fuel n (fuel for fast plane)航空燃料;飞机燃油Jet fuel was pumped into the aircraft. jet lag n (fatigue caused by plane travel)时差带来的生理失调,时差I get jet lag if I travel through more than four time zones.我一旦飞过超4个时区的话,就会有时差感。 jet pack n (fuel-powered propelling device)喷射背包;喷气背包 jet airplane, (US), jet aeroplane (UK), jet plane n (aircraft)喷气式飞机 jet propulsion n (type of thrust)喷气推进 jet set, jetset n informal (wealthy leisure travelers) (常乘飞机旅行的)有钱人一族;富豪一族Marbella and Dubai are both popular resorts for the jet set. jet set, jetset, jet-set n as adj (relating to wealthy leisure travelers)富豪一族的;有钱人的 Jet Ski, jet ski, jet-ski n ® (small motorized water vehicle) (商标)喷气式滑水车,水上摩托备注: As a registered trademark, “Jet Ski” should be capitalized, but it is usually not capitalized in informal communication.My cousin just bought a new jet ski and can't wait to take it out on the lake. I think it would be fun to rent a jet ski. jet ski vi ® (ride a jet ski)开喷气式滑水车;骑水上摩托 jet skiing n (riding a small water vehicle)开喷气式滑水车;骑水上摩托One of my favorite outdoor activities is jet skiing. jet stream n (strong west to east wind current)高空急流; (飞机发动机)喷流Weather patterns over Northern Europe might be shifting because of a change in the jet stream. jet-lagged, also US: jetlagged adj (affected by time difference)受时差影响的,有时差反应的After returning home from Europe, I was so jetlagged that I woke up at 4am every day. jet-propelled adj (aircraft, weapon, etc.) (飞机、武器等)喷气推进的 jet-set, jetset vi informal (travel luxuriously)乘喷气客机到处旅游The millionaire spends his time jet-setting around the world. jetsetter, jet-setter, jet setter n (wealthy leisure traveler)常乘飞机旅行的有钱人Jetsetters travel to the region for the summer season.那些常坐飞机旅行的有钱人夏天会到这个地区来度假。 jetsetting, jet-setting n (wealthy leisure travel)乘喷气式飞机四处旅行 jetsetting, jet-setting adj (traveling luxuriously)乘喷气式飞机四处旅行的 jumbo jet n (Boeing 747: large passenger plane)大型喷气式客机The invention of the jumbo jet meant very large numbers of people could be transported at once. supersonic jet n (plane that flies faster than sound)超音速飞机Concorde was the first and only supersonic jet to carry passengers.




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