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词汇 inner
释义 innerUK:*/ˈɪnər/US:/ˈɪnɚ/ ,(in′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 inner adj (inside part)内部的;里面的The inner part of the house was full of collectible items.房子的内部全是珍藏的奇珍异品。 其他翻译 inner adj (spiritual, emotional)精神层面的;内心的;心灵的The monk lived in the desert and tried to find inner peace.那名僧侣生活在沙漠中,试图找到内心的平静。 inner adj (more obscure)隐蔽的;隐晦的The inner meaning of the sermon was lost on the congregation.教众并没有理解这番布道的深层含义。 inner adj (more exclusive)圈内的;内部的Kate was a part of the club's inner set.凯特是俱乐部核心圈子的成员之一。 inner adj (more centered ring)内圈的;内环的Larry's shot hit the inner red ring.兰里射中了红色的内环。 复合形式: inner beauty n (attractive personality)内在美She may not be the best-looking girl, but at least she has inner beauty. inner child n (childlike part of psyche) (心理学)内在小孩 inner child n figurative, informal (sense of playfulness)童心;童趣My inner child wants to do coloring in all day, but I have to go to work. inner circle n (close friends)核心朋友圈He's part of my inner circle. inner circle n (elite group) (权力中心)核心圈子,核心集团Only those in the leader's inner circle exercise real power. inner city n (ghetto)老破城区; (指破败的)旧城区;贫民窟Schools in inner cities are often blighted by violence and low academic achievement.贫民窟中的学校经常暴力泛滥,学术表现不佳。 inner city n (central part of town) (本义)城市中心,中心城区 inner-city adj (downtown)闹市区的;繁华市区的 inner-city adj (of low-income city district)贫民区的;贫民窟的 inner door n (interior door)内门The inner door of this room has not been painted yet. inner ear n (anatomy: transmits sound to brain)内耳Years of boxing have caused extensive damage to his inner ear. inner peace n (serenity)内心的平静 inner self n (spiritual and emotional part of [sb])内在自我;本我Meditation can help you find your inner self. inner strength n (psychological stamina)内在力量 inner thoughts npl (what [sb] is thinking)心中的思考;心中的想法 inner tube n (rubber tubing in tyre)(车轮)内胎Some cyclists carry a spare inner tube with them in case they get a puncture.




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