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词汇 inclusive
释义 inclusiveUK:*/ɪnˈkluːsɪv/US:/ɪnˈklusɪv/ ,(in klo̅o̅′siv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 inclusive adj (included)包含的;包括的We enjoyed the inclusive breakfast after a good night's sleep in one of the hotel's comfortable rooms.我们在酒店舒适的房间中一夜安眠,还享受了酒店服务中包含的早餐。 inclusive adj (dates: included)首末日都包括在内的The store is open Monday to Saturday inclusive.商店周一至周六营业,包括周一和周六。 inclusive of [sth/sb] adj + prep (including)包含,包括;包容,吸纳The price of the meal is inclusive of drinks.餐费中包含了饮品。 inclusive adj (open to all)包括一切的;来者不拒的The club is very inclusive and welcoming.这间俱乐部来者不拒,宾至如归。 inclusive of [sb] adj + prep (open to)不歧视;包容The classes are designed to be inclusive of those with little experience.这些课程的设计极具包容度,对那些缺乏经验的人也很友好。 其他翻译 inclusive adj (logic functions)相容的;可兼的This disjunction is inclusive, so if one component is true, the statement is true. 复合形式: all-inclusive adj (with all costs pre-paid)包括一切的;无所不包的Most cruises are all inclusive, except for day trips in the ports of call. gender-inclusive adj (language, etc.: including all genders) (语言等)性别中立的;中性的 noninclusive, non-inclusive adj (exclusive)非包含在内的




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