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Members of Congress───国会议员

Member of Congress───国会议员;美国众议院议员

Library of Congress───n.美国国会图书馆

member of staves───棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍棍

the Library of Congress───国会图书馆

contempt of Congress───藐视国会

act of Congress───国会法

member of staffs───员工

chambers of commerce───n.商会


Members of Congress are insulted by charges like these.───成员对于这样的指责觉得受到了侮辱。

A newspaper report seems to reflect the view of most members of Congress.───的一篇报导似乎反映了国会多数议员的观点。

Congress are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.───国会议员利用周末在各自的选区征求意见。

Each year, it takes place in a grand Capitol Hill auditorium full of members of Congress and a hundred or so Washington notables .───每年,颁奖仪式都在宏伟的国会礼堂举行,礼堂里坐满了国会议员和一百多个华盛顿知名人士。

Members of Congress do not want to have to take the heat for a war that goes badly, but they also want to appear supportive of our troops.───国会成员并不愿意承担战争形势变坏的责任,但是他们还想支持我们的军队。

"But at least five members of Congress raised concerns, and they asked more questions than I think we expected, " he said.───但是,至少有五位国会成员表示了关注,而且问了比我预想中更多的问题。

If she did not already know that, she was given a reminder on December 15th, when members of Congress voted themselves a 62% pay rise.───假如她还不知情,十二月十五日已经给了她一个提醒,当天国会议员自己表决将薪资调高六成二自肥。

Barack Obama said he wanted to see the logjam broken in the next couple of days and urged members of Congress to think in ambitious terms.───奥巴马称,他希望未来几天能够打破僵局,敦促国会成员从更长远的眼光考虑问题。

We are going to try to run the same by forging a cynical alliance with the very members of Congress who tried to destroy him a year ago.───我们打算以其道还治其人,与国会中一年前力求打倒他的议员结成联盟,不再讲什么道义。


Members of Congress are showered daily with parties, freebies and perks.

Several members of Congress have already criticized the plan.

They include members of Congress, mayors, governors, community leaders, business leaders and reporters.

So did cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, two former governors, current state officials, and scores of local dignitaries.

Members of congress increasingly came to believe that they could insulate themselves against electoral defeat by assiduous attention to constituency casework.

So the process continues: pro-choice members of Congress hoped to pass legislation incorporating clearer statutory rights to abortion.

Individualism among today's members of congress has also been heightened by electoral considerations.

Members of Congress took them to private meetings on Capitol Hill.

He would impose term limits on the members of Congress and federal judges.

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