grey hair───n.白头发,灰发
grey area───(英)次贫地区(等于grayarea)
dry hair───毛折
was a grey-haired woman in ragged clothes.───是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。
He talked of beginning to leave Iraq, and rejected a "false" choice between safety and democratic ideals, referring to the torture and detention policies of the grey-haired Mr Bush sitting nearby.───他谈到开始从伊拉克撤军,以及拒绝在安全与民主理想之间进行“虚假的”选择,此针对坐在附近头发灰白的布什先生的拘留拷问政策。
It was just at this critical juncture that the grey-haired stranger arrived.───就在这关键时刻,头发灰白的陌生人进来了。
Behind a huge desk crouched a grey-haired old man. With a flash he thought of Professor Liu and his own mother.───他看见在一张巨大的写字台前正伏着一个花白头发的老人,他闪电般地联想了一下柳先生和母亲。
It had not been long before it was made out the figure falling onto the ground was a woman, a grey-haired woman clad literally in rags.───跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。伊从马路边上突然向车前横截过来;
He had been twenty-nine at the time of Socrates' death, but David turned him into an old man, grey-haired and grave.───他在苏格拉底死时二十九岁,但是大卫把他画成了一位老人,须发皆灰,神色凝重。
Just then there was a knock on the door and grey-haired Mrs. Hudson appeared with the mail.───这时响起了敲门声,灰头发的哈德森太太拿着信件进来了。
Japan's ugly demography, with a shrinking working-age population and a growing grey-haired one, helped the downward pressure on wages.───日本不体面的人口统计学,计算工龄的人数的减少以及不断增加的头发花白的劳动者,都对压低工资起到了推波助澜的作用。
Grey-haired old man, together happy to look up to the starry sky, the same moon!───白发苍苍的老人,携手幸福的仰望着星空,同一轮明月啊!
She was a handsome woman, grey haired like her brother.
coming days would be long.After all do not grow,grey haired.
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- grey haired
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