

词汇 greeting cards
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greetings cards───贺卡

greeting card───贺卡

greetings card───贺卡

green cards───(美)绿卡(指允许外国人进入美国工作的绿色许可证);(英)绿色保险证

drawing cards───能吸引观众的演讲或表演;绘图纸,绘图卡

green card───(美)绿卡(指允许外国人进入美国工作的绿色许可证);(英)绿色保险证

redding card───雷丁卡

trading cards───商业名片

visiting cards───n.名片


Using herself as a bald model, Bonnie started line of greeting cards and a calendar.───邦尼以自己的秃头形象为模特, 开始设计问候卡片,此外还有一种日历.

Why wasn't I trying to do something more easy for markets to digest, i.e. cutey-pie greeting cards or whatever?───为什么我不尝试设计一些更容易为市场接纳的东西,比如可爱的蛋糕贺卡,或是别的什么东西?

Gift Boxes, Greeting Cards, Book Marks, Paper Bag , Hand Made Paper Plastic and Paper Bags.───采购产品礼品盒子, 问候备置卡片, 书马克, 纸袋子, 塑料的手和纸.

Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files.───病毒能被伪装成有趣图片的附件, 贺卡, 或音频与视频文件.

Anodized hot stamping often is used in hardcover book cover, greeting cards.───电化铝烫印还常被用于精装书籍封面 、 贺卡.

Card series: clothing ticketing, greeting cards perpetual calendar calendar.───咭牌系列: 服装吊牌 、 贺咭、台历、挂历.

Such as books, pens , a lot of greeting cards and so on.───如此的如书, 钢笔, 许多和如此在之上.

We send greeting cards to our friends.───我们寄贺卡给朋友.

The most elegant business greeting cards should have your personal signature and a short handwritten message.───最精致的商务贺卡必需有你的亲笔签名以及一小段手写的问候语.

His thoughts on love may not run as deeply as, say, those of the Romantic poets. He writes greeting cards, and you suspect he may believe his own cards.───他的爱意远没有那些浪漫诗人深邃,他只是个写贺卡的,你甚至都觉得他并不认同自己的工作,但令人惊异的是他竟然能从这份工作挣到饭钱。

Today's tiny books are just fancy greeting cards.───现在的很多迷你书印得像明信片一样漂亮.

The greeting cards are finely made, with an eye to colour and style.───这些贺卡做得很精致, 色彩和风格很讲究.

Tradition of emotional communication may be regarded as consumers greeting cards of internal reasons.───情感沟通的传统回归,可以说是消费者青睐贺卡的内在动因.

Greeting CARDS are the embodiment of impersonal feelings.───贺卡是客观而非个人感受的体现。

Greeting cards and flowers, predominantly roses are sold in the millions.───祝福卡片和花, 尤其是玫瑰花,简直天价出售.


Educational and Collectible Specimens, Greeting Cards, Bookmarks, Keychains, Precious Stone Carvings.

The greeting cards are finely made, with an eye to colour and style.

You can use the programs to edit photos and create greeting cards, certificates, comic books, labels and other goodies.

He was thrilled to find the cream-colored envelope near the bottom of the pile of greeting cards.

Card series: clothing ticketing, greeting cards perpetual calendar calendar.

A group of nineteenth century greeting cards and valentines, types of ephemera now a popular field of collecting.

It remodeled stores, added 30 percent more items and restocked shelves with cigarettes, health products, magazines and greeting cards.

It always arrives several days early and the birthday check inside holds a brainteaser—an idea Dad concocted when greeting cards became one of his duties.

I took a job at a place where they did greeting cards.

  • greeting card maker
  • greetings to you
  • greeting cards online




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