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词汇 printing press
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printing presses───印刷机

printing papers───有格纸;打印纸

printing errors───打印错误

printing frames───打印框架

printing houses───印刷厂

printing error───打印错误

printing frame───印刷架

printing house───印刷厂;印刷所

printing inks───印刷用油墨


The body of the drum is an offset printing press, it is important for debugging.───滚筒是胶印机的客体部件, 差其的调试不一不合重给.

Who have mastered the production of pyridine technology, will have the equivalent of a printing press.───谁掌握了吡啶生产技术, 谁就相当于拥有一台印钞机.

The printing press turns out a thousand books an hour.───这个印刷厂一小时印出一千本书.

The arrival of Gutenberg's printing press, in the 15 th century, set round of teeth gnashing.───15世纪古腾堡的印刷厂也曾让人恨得咬牙切齿.

Sclerothery offsctdruckereien on the precision of offset printing press.───无火胶印差胶印机的精度请求较矮.

The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many.───印刷机赋予少数人为多数人改变世界的力量。

Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press.───自从发明了印刷机,这种变革还没有出现过。

Johannes Gutenberg prints the first book using moveable lead type and the printing press.───约翰·顾登堡印刷了第一本用活字与机械来印制的书籍.

The result is a continuous process, much like a printing press.───这结果就是个持续的进程, 类似于一架印刷机.

Unable to finance itself with the printing press, it will have to gut public programs.───无法独自承担印钱压力, 政府便只好放弃公共议程.

Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism?───印刷术真的要为民族主义蓬勃兴起而负责 吗 ?

In offset printing press in monochrome has similar failures occur.───在单色胶印机中也有类似故障发生.

First rotary printing press by Richard M. Hoe.───理查德.M.霍发明第一台轮转印刷机.

You will use etching tools, plexiglass, inks, and a printing press to create your prints.───你将学着使用蚀刻工具 、 有机玻璃 、 油墨, 最后还可以用印制机制作出你的画作.

One night John Gutenberg worked until 4 o'clock at his printing press.───一天夜里,约翰?谷登堡在他的印刷机旁一直工作到早晨四点钟.

The first printing press in America was set up in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1639.───在美国,第一台印刷机于1639年在马萨诸塞湾殖民区开业,美国的第一个印刷师Stevondaye操作了这台机器.

On a printing press the drying mechanism usually fitted near the delivery, or outfeed.───印刷机上的干燥装置.通常设于收纸或出纸部分.

Printing The heavy table of a printing press in which the type form is placed.───[印刷术]印刷台:印刷厂里放铅字版的沉重的台子.

We are setting up a printing press.───我们正在安装一台印刷机.

What Would Chinese Printing Press Industry Acceding to WTO?───我国印刷机械制造业应如何面对入世?

Blanket cylinder: In an offset printing press, the cylinder around which the blanket is clamped.───胶布圆筒: 柯式印刷机上被胶布环绕而夹紧的圆筒.

More than eight million books were printed within fifty years after the invention of the printing press.───印刷机发明以后的50年间,有800多万册图书被印刷。

The steam-powered printing press was still in its early stages.───蒸汽印刷机仍处于起步阶段。

Blanket and gaskets together make up an offset printing press rubber and drums of lining.───橡皮布和衬垫一路组不败了胶印机橡皮滚筒的包衬.

This is a small printing press manufacturers the key to the survival and development.───这是小胶印机厂家生存发展的关键.

An offset printing press Heidelberg and so on Roland, there can be various online coating.───曼罗兰 、 海德堡等胶印机都可以进行各种联机涂布上光.

The printing press is a machine that can make lots of books in a short time.───印刷机是一台在很短的时间内能印刷许多书的机器.

printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many.───印刷机赋予了少数人为多数人改变世界的力量。


The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.

  • printing process
  • printing companies
  • printing house
  • printing press
  • printing paper
  • printing technology
  • printing error
  • printing services
  • printing out




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