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词汇 greenhouse gases
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n.二氧化碳、甲烷等导致温室效应的气体( greenhouse gas的名词复数 ); 温室气体



greenhouse gasses───温室气体

greenhouse gas───n.二氧化碳、甲烷等导致温室效应的气体

greenhouse effects───[地物]温室效应

greenhouse effect───[地物]温室效应

greenhouse roof───温室屋顶


greenhouse gas emissions───温室气体排放量

greenhouse warming───温室效应引起的气温升高

green as grass───幼稚无知


Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems.───例如, 温室气体排放是个全球性的问题.

A direct tax placed on emissions of greenhouse gases.───直接在温室气体排放上征税吧.

Vast amounts of trapped greenhouse gases could be a thaw, accelerating global warming.───大量累积的温室气体可能随着融化排出, 使全球暖化加速.

The greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.───温室气体是二氧化碳, 甲烷和一氧化二氮.

Companies would have permits to release a set amount of greenhouse gases.───公司排放一定量的温室气体须拥有限额许可.

believed that greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming.───相信温室气体是全球变暖的主因。

Thus, greenhouse gases, temperature and humidity measurements it is very important.───因此, 对温室内气体 、 温度和湿度的测量就显得非常重要.

And also it reduces the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.───虽然他也会产生温室气体排放到大气层中.

Our use of fossil fuels is the main source of excess greenhouse gases.───我们对化石燃料的使用是温室气体过量的主要来源。

Reduces air pollution and global warming greenhouse gases.───减少空气污染和全球变暖的温室气体.

Can you think of other ways to control greenhouse gases?───你还知道哪些方法可以控制温室效应?

We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases.───我们可以建立一套控制温室气体排放的体制.

This therefore cuts down on greenhouse gases that produce global warming.───它能够减少使全球变暖的温室效应.

The rise in greenhouse gases is partially the result deforestation.───森林的过度砍伐是造成温室气体增加的部分原因.

We should lower the use of fuels that release greenhouse gases.───我们应该减少使用那些会释放温室气体的燃料。

There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA's power to regulate greenhouse gases.───国会也有关于废止抑或是服从环境保护机构管理温室气体权力的行动.

Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.───二氧化碳是大气层中主要的温室气体.

He blamed a buildup of heat - trapping greenhouse gases.───汉森认为“温室气体”排放量增加是罪魁祸首.


Unlike the greenhouse gases, which spread evenly across the globe, sulphur dioxide's effects are short-lived and regional.

We know that greenhouse gases can affect the climate.

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the earth's atmosphere.

The rise in greenhouse gases parallels the reduction in the ozone layer.

All these gases are potent greenhouse gases.

Some computer models suggest greenhouse gases may increase world temperatures from two to seven degrees Fahrenheit over the next fifty years.

The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them.

Greenhouse gases combine with hydrocarbons to form smog.

Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough.

  • greenhouse fabrics
  • greenhouse kits




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