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词汇 heavy
释义 heavyUK:*/ˈhɛvi/US:/ˈhɛvi/ ,(hev′ē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 heavy adj (of great weight)重的,沉重的;大的,巨大的;沉重的,难以承受的Don't try to lift the box. It is heavy.箱子很重。不要提它。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 公司因为没有采纳他的建议而蒙受了巨大损失。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他几乎承受不住这个沉重的消息。 heavy adj (intense)大量的,狂暴的,猛烈的,密集的;激烈的,剧烈的That was a heavy rain we had last night.昨天晚上我们这儿下了场大雨。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 不宜空腹作剧烈运动。 其他翻译 heavy adj US (culinary: dense)稠的;浓的If the cream you are using isn't heavy, you can add gelatin to thicken it. heavy adj (powerful)强大的;威力大的To destroy the enemy, the army used the heavy artillery.为了摧毁敌人,陆军使用了重型火炮。 heavy adj (sea: very choppy)海浪起伏的;波涛汹涌的The boat sank in heavy seas.那艘船在波涛汹涌的海上沉没了。 heavy adj (excessive)过度的;过量的He was a heavy drug user.他毒瘾很大。 heavy adj (strict)严厉的;严格的My mother used to get really heavy with me when I misbehaved.以前我表现不乖时,我妈会对我很严厉。 heavy adj (profound)深远的;深刻的That is a really heavy thought, man.伙计,这个想法倒是很深刻。 heavy adj (gloomy)沉重的;沉痛的;让人沮丧的The death in the family led to a discussion of some heavy issues.家人去世引发了对一些沉重问题的讨论。 heavy adj dated (pregnant) (过时用语)怀孕的,怀胎的She was heavy with child.她挺着个大肚子。 heavy adj (onerous)沉重的;繁重的;苛刻的The heavy demands of his father caused him to leave home.他父亲要求太多,导致他离家出走。 heavy adj (bread: not fully raised)发酵不足的This bread is heavy because you did not use enough yeast.这块面包发酵不足,因为你用的酵母不够。 heavy adj (rich, difficult to digest)不好消化的;难消化的The dense meat made for a heavy meal that you really felt in your stomach.这顿饭肉太多了,不好消化,真的会让你的胃不舒服。 heavy n (role as [sb] mean)反面角色;奸角John played the role of the heavy in the play, so he had to yell a lot.约翰在剧中扮演反面角色,所以很多时候不得不大喊大叫。 复合形式: barytes, heavy spar, also US: barite n (mineral: barium sulfate)重晶石 heavy blow n (forceful punch or strike)沉重的一击The boxer fell after taking a heavy blow from his opponent. heavy blow n figurative (emotional setback) (情感)沉重的打击Not getting into her school of choice was a heavy blow. heavy casualties npl (many people killed or injured)重大人员伤亡France suffered heavy casualties in the Second World War. heavy cream (US), double cream (UK) n (thick whipping cream)高脂奶油The cook used heavy cream to thicken the sauce. heavy demand n (popular need)强烈的要求There's a heavy demand for these smaller cars, sir. heavy drinker n (alcoholic)酗酒的人;酒鬼He was a heavy drinker before he joined Alcoholics Anonymous. heavy-duty adj (strong)重型的, 载重的;功能强大的These heavy-duty plastic bags cannot be ripped or torn easily.Morphine is a heavy-duty pain reliever. heavy-duty adj (intensive)紧张的;密集的 heavy-duty adj (prominent)重要的;重大的 heavy equipment n (industrial machinery)重型设备Once the factory had been sold they removed the heavy equipment. heavy going, heavy-going adj (laborious, dull)费力的 heavy hand n figurative (lack of tact or subtlety)粗暴,粗暴的方式The principal accused the teacher of using a heavy hand in correcting her students. heavy hand n (lack of delicacy or gentleness)笨拙, 粗鲁, 粗暴 heavy hand n figurative (oppressive force)压制, 镇压The state responded to the protests with a heavy hand, swiftly imprisoning thousands of people. heavy heart n (feeling of great sadness or regret)忧伤的心;心情沉重;伤心难过She had a heavy heart as she stepped to the podium to deliver her best friend's eulogy. heavy hitter n figurative (powerful person or company)强手 heavy industry n (bulk materials manufacturing)重工业 heavy load n ([sth] that weighs a lot)沉重的东西These lorries can carry extremely heavy loads. heavy load n figurative (burden) (比喻义)沉重的负担,重担Bringing up three children on her own was a heavy load for Helen. heavy meal n (large or rich meal that is hard to digest)不易消化的膳食That heavy meal kept me up all night with indigestion. heavy metal n (metal with high density)重金属Heavy metals, like lead and mercury, are toxic and therefore are a frequent environmental problem. heavy metal n (hard rock music)“重金属”摇滚乐;节奏感很强的摇滚乐She was not pleased when her son's heavy metal band began practicing in the basement. heavy petting n (kissing and cuddling) (异性间的)挑逗,爱抚,调情When we were teenagers we frequently engaged in heavy petting, but never actually had intercourse. heavy rain n (torrential rainfall)大雨;暴雨Heavy rain is forecast for the next few days, and there is a risk of severe flooding. heavy seas npl (nautical: stormy conditions) (航海)波涛汹涌的海面,巨浪,怒涛The heavy seas forced them to turn the boat around and head back to shore. heavy sleeper n ([sb] who sleeps deeply)沉睡者,熟睡者I've always been a heavy sleeper - I hardly ever wake up during the night. heavy smoker n (person who smokes a lot)烟鬼;烟瘾大的人;过度吸烟者He died from lung cancer because he had been a heavy smoker all his life. heavy step n (loud footfall)沉重的脚步 heavy transport n (large haulage vehicles)重型运输设备;重型交通工具Heavy transport was banned from passing through the village, because the vibrations were undermining the older houses. heavy usage n (extreme consumption or use)大量使用;滥用Heavy usage of alcohol has ruined Jim's health. heavy water, deuterium oxide n (in nuclear reactors)重水备注: 氧化氘,一种化合物Heavy water is an ingredient used in reactors to convert uranium into plutonium.重水是反应堆中使用的原料,用来将铀转化为钚。 heavy-handed adj (too forceful)用太大力的;太粗暴的I was heavy-handed opening the lid of the box, and I broke the hinges.我开箱盖用力过度,弄破了合页。 heavy-handed adj figurative (severe, oppressive)严厉的,苛刻的;压迫的My heavy-handed father was always quick to dole out punishment. heavy-handed adj figurative (clumsy)笨手笨脚的,笨拙的This essay was nothing but a heavy-handed critique of a complex issue. heavy-handedly adv figurative (in a severe, oppressive way)粗暴地,暴虐地,高压地The teacher was known for punishing his students heavy-handedly. heavy-handedly adv figurative (clumsily, without tact)严厉地Max told Corina heavy-handedly that her novel was badly written.麦克斯严厉地告诉科丽娜,她的小说写得很差。 heavy-handedly adv (with too much force)沉重地;过于用力地Ada uses her coloring pencils heavy-handedly and the leads keep breaking. heavy-handedness n figurative, uncountable (severity, oppressiveness)高压手段 heavy-handedness n figurative, uncountable (clumsiness)笨手笨脚, 笨拙 heavy-laden adj (heavily loaded)负载重的,重载的 heavy-laden adj (person: burdened) (人)负担重的 heavyhearted (US), heavy-hearted (UK) adj figurative (sad, despondent)心情沉重的;泄气的;沮丧的 heavyset, also UK: heavy-set adj (thickset, heavily built)魁梧的;粗壮的A heavy-set security guard was standing in front of the embassy.一位身材魁梧的保安站在大使馆前。 make heavy weather of [sth], make heavy weather with [sth] v expr informal (make [sth] needlessly laborious)对...小题大做;对...大惊小怪 top-heavy adj (too heavy on top)头重脚轻的 weigh on [sb/sth], weigh heavy on [sb/sth] vi + prep figurative (be heavy: on one's mind) (心理、精神)重压在,使…苦恼The problems at work weighed on Jessica's mind. with a heavy heart adv (solemnly, sadly)带着沉重的心情With a heavy heart, the woman scattered her father's ashes into the sea.




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