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词汇 greasy pole
释义 greasy pole
greasy pole发音



greasy poles───爬竿取物

greasy spoon───低级小饭馆;经济小吃店

greasy wools───含脂原毛,汗羊毛

greasy wool───含脂原毛,汗羊毛

grease nipple───黄油嘴,油脂嘴

greasy spoons───低级小饭馆;经济小吃店

grease wools───油脂羊毛

grease nipples───油脂嘴

grease wool───润滑棉


Landed aristocrats have to climb the greasy pole if they want to wield serious influence.───地主们要想有正儿八经的影响力就得吃苦奋斗。

While reading The mcKinsey Minda lot about climbing the firm's greasy pole of success.───“读书使人充实,交谈使人机敏,写记使人精确”.——培根.

Still, it's nice to know that no matter how high up the greasy pole you get, you're never too lofty to be star struck.───尽管如此,它的尼斯知道,无论你如何高了油腻极点,你得到的,你永远太崇高被明星击中。

Yet Ms Pelosi has been at the top of the Democratic Party's greasy pole for almost four years.───然而佩洛西成为民主党的高层的圆滑的核心力量大约四年了。

But the greasy pole is getting harder to climb and, once you've climbed it, harder to cling on to.───但是这根滑杆正越来越难爬,而且一旦你爬上去了,也越来越难抱得紧。

"They aren't greasy pole climbers, " Mr Robeson says.───“他们不是按部就班往上爬的人,”罗伯逊称。


Like Disraeli on becoming prime minister, Chapman could say he had climbed to the top of the greasy pole.

Wagner had climbed up the greasy pole doggedly, and methodically.

Record stores are finding it difficult to meet the demand for the group's latest CD, Greasy Pole.

Roll the die, answer a question and move up the greasy pole to Downing Street.





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