granulation tissues───[外科]肉芽组织
regulation time───调节时间
privatization issue───n.私有化股票发行
brain tissue───脑组织
regulation times───调节时间
carbon tissue───碳素相纸
conducting tissue───引导组织
follow up of these lesions they changed to fluid filled cavities and became granulation tissue later on.───随访发现这些病灶开始变为充满液体的囊腔,随后变成肉芽组织。
Results A granulation tissue organized the necrotic tissues constructed the fibrocapsule of the tumor.───结果:肉芽组织机化肿瘤坏死组织最后形成纤维包膜.
While somatostatin reduced levels of plasma protein, hydroxyproline and fibroblast, and granulation tissue hydroxyproline.───而生长抑素则可降低血浆蛋白 、 羟脯氨酸浓度和肉芽组织中羟脯氨酸和纤维母细胞水平.
Healing of inflammation often involves ingrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts. This forms granulation tissue.───炎症的愈合通常有毛细血管和成纤维细胞的参与, 它们形成了肉芽组织.
The anti-inflammatory effect was observed on the xylene induced ear swelling model of mouse and the button induced granulation tissue proliferation model of rats.───通过二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀实验、大鼠纽扣肉芽组织增生实验观察其抗炎作用。
Methods: We cut off granulation tissue and a part of nail stroma.───方法: 切除嵌甲、炎性肉芽组织及部分患趾甲基质,同时重建甲沟.
To familiar with the structure and result of granulation tissue.───熟悉肉芽组织的结构及转归.
The thicknesses of the granulation tissue between Cuticle and normal tissue were different.───角质层与正常组织间为厚薄不一的肉芽组织.
The wall of an abscess that is organizing has granulation tissue, seen here at the left.───图左侧可见正在机化的脓肿壁中有肉芽组织.
human chronic wounds, there wasn't obvious secretions and more healthy granulation tissue was rapidly formed after VAC treatment.───人慢性创面VAC治疗后分泌物明显减少,较快形成健康的肉芽组织。
- granulation tissue vaginal