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词汇 grim
释义 grimUK:*/ˈgrɪm/US:/grɪm/ ,(grim)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 grim adj (outlook: bleak)不明朗的;让人沮丧的;不乐观的According to experts, the economic outlook for the next 5 years is grim.据专家称,未来五年的经济展望并不乐观。 grim adj (expression: somber)(表情)严肃的The policeman looked grim as he wrote the ticket.那个警察在写罚单时,神情严肃。 grim adj (unyielding)顽强的;不屈的The runner pushed through the last mile of the marathon with grim determination.那名马拉松选手凭借不屈的决心熬过了最后一英里。 grim adj (weather: bleak) (天气)阴沉的,沉闷的,阴冷的Jane's wedding was on a grim winter day, but she didn't mind.简的婚礼是在冬天一个阴冷的日子举行的,不过她并不在意。 其他翻译 grim adj (repellent)令人反感的,令人厌恶的,令人生畏的,狰狞的; (残暴行为的后果,尸横遍野等)伤心惨目的Frank's grim sense of humor put off his mother in law.弗兰克令人反感的幽默感让他的岳母很不爽。 grim adj informal (unpleasant)不愉快的;难过的The food they serve in the school cafeteria is grim.学校餐厅供应的食物很糟糕。 复合形式: grim reality n (harsh truth of a situation)严酷的现实The grim reality is that the chances of finding any more survivors are next to zero. the Grim Reaper n figurative (death personified)死神The dying man took to his bed to await the Grim Reaper.那个垂死的人躺在床上,等待死神来临。 grim-faced adj (with somber facial expression)脸色阴沉的,神情冷峻的The grim-faced teacher told off the students.




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