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词汇 greyer
释义 greyer 动词短语 gray [sth] out (US), grey [sth] out (UK) vtr phrasal sep (computing: disable) (计算机)使…呈现灰色而禁用 gray out (US), grey out (UK) vi phrasal (person: suffer faded vision)灰视I grayed out for a moment, and had to lie down. 复合形式: ash gray (US), ash grey (UK) n (color)烟灰色 charcoal gray, charcoal-gray (US), charcoal grey, charcoal-grey (UK) adj (dark gray in color)炭灰色的,暗灰色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounSteve bought a charcoal grey suit for his interview.为了面试,斯蒂芬买了一套深灰色的西服。 charcoal gray (US), charcoal grey (UK) n (color: dark gray)炭灰色,暗灰色I like red, but I prefer charcoal gray.我喜欢红色,但是我想选炭灰色。 dove gray (US), dove grey (UK) n (medium gray color)鸽灰色 dove gray, dove-gray (US), dove grey, dove-grey (UK) adj (medium gray in color)鸽灰色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun Earl Grey tea n (tea: containing bergamot)格雷伯爵茶;伯爵红茶Edward was drinking a cup of Earl Grey tea. go gray, turn gray (US), go grey, turn grey (UK) vi + adj (person: have graying hair) (人)头发变灰白He began to turn grey in his early 40s. go gray, turn gray (US), go grey, turn grey (UK) vi + adj (hair: be graying) (头发)变灰白 gray area (US), grey area (UK) n (uncertain, unclear issue)灰色地带18th-century British history is a bit of a grey area for me. gray fox (US), grey fox (UK) n (American fox with gray fur)灰狐 gray hair (US), grey hair (UK) n (hair: gray from age or stress)白发;灰白的头发 gray matter (US), grey matter (UK) n (brain tissue) (大脑)灰白质,灰质 gray matter (US), grey matter (UK) n figurative (brains, intelligence)头脑;智力 gray-out, grayout (US), grey-out, greyout (UK) n (computer: disabling feature)变灰The gray-out shows you which options are unavailable. gray-out, grayout (US), grey-out, greyout (UK) n (person: faded vision)灰视She experienced a gray-out after exercising too hard. gray scale sonography, grayscale sonography (US), grey scale sonography (UK) n (black-and-white ultrasound imaging)灰阶超声成像;黑白超声成像 gray whale (US), grey whale (UK) n (large sea mammal)灰鲸Individual gray whales can be identified by their characteristic scar patterns. gray wolf (US), grey wolf (UK) n (timber wolf)灰狼Various subspecies of the gray wolf were once found across much of North America. gray-haired (US), grey-haired (UK) adj (with white, silver hair)头发灰白的That gray-haired gentleman is so distinguished looking! pearl gray (US), pearl grey (UK) n (colour: shimmery gray) (颜色)珍珠灰Do these shoes come in pearl gray? pearl gray, pearl-gray (US), pearl grey, pearl-grey (UK) adj (shimmery grey)稍带蓝色的浅灰色;珍珠灰备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThe visitor was wearing an elegant pearl-grey dress. silver gray (US), silver grey (UK) n (color: light gray)银灰色 silver gray, silver-gray (US), silver grey, silver-grey (UK) adj (light grey in color)银灰色备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun steel gray (US), steel grey (UK) n (dark metallic colour)钢灰色;金属灰 steel gray, steel-gray (US), steel grey, steel-grey (UK) adj (of a dark metallic colour)钢灰色的;金属灰的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun




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