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词汇 give
释义 giveUK:*/ˈgɪv/US:/gɪv/ ,(giv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 give [sb] [sth] vtr (hand, pass: [sb] [sth])给;给予;递给Could you give me that book over there, please?请您把那儿的那本书给我,好吗? give [sth] to [sb] vtr (hand, pass: [sth] to [sb])把…给予;把…交给;递给Can you give that book to me?你能把那本书给我吗? give [sb] [sth] vtr (as a gift)赠予;赠送;送给She gave me a tie for my birthday.她送我一根领带作生日礼物。 give [sb] [sth] vtr (provide)提供...给;向...供应;给某人某物Can you give me something to eat?你可以给我点吃的吗? give [sb] [sth], give [sb] [sth] for [sth] vtr (pay)支付某人某物;付款给;向...缴纳I'll give you five hundred dollars for that car.那辆车我会付你五百美元。 give [sth] vtr (supply)供应;供给The furnace gives heat to the entire house.这个暖气炉为整幢房子供热。 give [sb] [sth] vtr (assign, allot)将...分配给;指派...给After three interviews she was given the job.经过三次面试后,她得到了那个工作。 其他翻译 give n informal (tendency to yield)弯曲;凹下The floor has a bit of give in it. give vi (contribute)施舍;捐助;捐赠Please give generously.请慷慨解囊。 give vi (compromise)妥协;退让Someone has to give or we'll be here all night.总得有人让步,否则我们得在这里僵持一晚上。 give vi (yield under pressure)支撑不住;断裂This door gives when you lean on it.你靠在上面的话,这扇门会撑不住。 give vi (collapse)(在压力下)倒塌;塌下The chair gave underneath him.他身下的椅子塌了。 give [sth] vtr (present, perform)表演;演出She's giving a piano concert tonight. give [sb] [sth] vtr (place in [sb]'s care)将某物交付…保管I gave them the house keys for the week. give [sth] vtr (utter) (声音)发出;叫出He gave a shout and ran towards her. give [sb] [sth] vtr (cause)使得…感到It gives me great pleasure to welcome you tonight. give [sth] to [sth], give [sth] for [sth] vtr (donate)将...捐赠给;捐出...给He gave his heart and lungs to science. give [sb] [sth] vtr (infect) (疾病)传染;感染;传给She's given me her cold. give [sb] [sth] vtr (deliver)将...传递给;将...传达给Give them our fondest regards. give [sth] to [sb] vtr (inflict)使...遭受;使...承受He gave detention to the whole class. give [sb] [sth] vtr (administer) (药物)给…服用How much aspirin should I give her? give [sth] to [sth], give [sth] for [sth] vtr (devote)将...奉献给;向...付出;为了...牺牲She gave her life to the human rights movement. give [sb] [sb] vtr (make pregnant) (指怀孕)使...怀上Her husband gave her two boys within three years of the wedding. 动词短语 give [sth] away vtr phrasal sep (make a gift)将…捐出去She put her old clothes in a bag and gave them away.她把旧衣服放进一个袋子然后将其捐了出去。 give [sth] away vtr phrasal sep figurative (reveal)把…泄露出去When you tell a joke, you can't give away the punch line until the end.当你讲一个笑话的时候,不到最后,你都不能把包袱泄露出去。 give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep figurative (reveal incriminating information about)透露...的定罪信息;发布...的有罪信息The boy insisted he wasn't responsible for the graffiti, but the paint spatters on his sweater gave him away.那个男孩坚持说他没有涂鸦,但他毛衣上的颜料渍出卖了他。 give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep figurative (reveal true identity)泄露...的真实身份;透露...的真实身份 give [sb] away vtr phrasal sep (give bride to groom) (新娘)将...交给新郎Jane's father is no longer alive, so her brother is going to give her away.简的父亲去世了,所以将由她兄弟将她交给新郎。 give [sth] back, give [sth] back to [sb] vtr phrasal sep (return: [sth] to [sb])归还,交还,还Did you give me back the pen I lent you? You took my sweater? Give it back!你还了我借你的笔了么?你拿了我的毛衣?还给我! give in vi phrasal (surrender, admit defeat)投降;认输I give in; it's just too difficult.我放弃了,这也太难了。give in vi phrasal (yield: to feeling, temptation)屈服;让步She is trying to avoid sweets, but if you tempt her with chocolate, she always gives in.她正在尝试不吃甜食,但如果你用巧克力去诱惑她,她总是忍不住。give in to [sth] vi phrasal + prep (yield: to feeling, temptation) (感觉,诱惑)屈服于, 向…屈服The children wanted to stay up until midnight, but one by one, they gave in to sleep.孩子们想熬到半夜,但他们一个接一个地睡着了。give in to [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep (submit, surrender)屈服于;向…投降After the last scandal, the mayor gave in to the pressure and resigned.上次丑闻发生后,市长迫于压力辞职了。give [sth] off vtr phrasal sep (emit: heat, smell)散发出;排出Judy gives off a strong smell of perfume when she passes by.当朱迪经过时,她身上撒发出一股强烈的香水味。give out [sth], give [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (heat, warmth: radiate) (热量)释放,发射,散发Stars give out heat and light.恒星发出热和光。give out [sth], give [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (distribute)分发;分派The teacher gives out the worksheets to the students.老师把练习题发给学生。give out vi phrasal informal (bodily organ: fail) (体内器官)功能衰竭His heart finally gave out and he died. After years of heavy drinking, his liver finally gave out.他的心脏最终停止了跳动,他死了。在多年酗酒后,他肝功能衰竭了。give out vi phrasal (be used up) (钱、力气等)用尽,用光He had been ill for so long that his will to live finally gave out.他病了那么久,最终失去了活下去的希望。give out vi phrasal Irish, informal (complain)抱怨give out, give out about [sth] vi phrasal + prep Irish, informal (complain about)抱怨;发牢骚Mary is always giving out about the noisy neighbours.玛丽总是抱怨那些吵闹的邻居。give out to [sb] vtr phrasal insep Irish, informal (reprimand)训斥,斥责My mam gives out to me if I don't do my homework.give over to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (yield to [sth], give in)忍不住…起来The little girls gave over to laughter when they saw the man slip and fall on a patch of ice.give [sb/sth] over to [sth] vtr phrasal sep (dedicate to, grant use of)把…交给…,允许…使用…备注: Often used in the passive.During the war, the university was given over to the hospital to make room for more patients.give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep (stop trying)放弃;舍弃;不再努力I gave up trying to get them to believe me.我不再尝试让他们来相信我。give [sth] up, give up doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep UK (habit, addiction: quit)放弃;舍弃It'll be hard, but I'm going to try giving up chocolate for Lent.这很难,但我还是尝试为了大斋节戒掉巧克力。give up vi phrasal (surrender)投降I give up - you're far better than me at this game!我认输,这个游戏你比我厉害多了!give up vi phrasal informal (stop guessing)不猜了OK, I give up. What's the answer?好了,我不猜了。答案是什么?give up on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: [sb])对…失去信心;对...不抱希望Don't give up on me! I just need a little more encouragement.不要对我失去信心!我只是需要更多一点的鼓励。;give up on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (abandon: a cause)放弃做某事You should never give up on your dreams.你永远都不应放弃你的梦想。 复合形式: give a big hand v expr (applaud enthusiastically)热烈鼓掌 couldn't-give-a-damn attitude n slang, potentially offensive (apathy, lack of concern) (俚语,可能无礼)一点都不在意的态度,根本不在乎的态度There's no way I'd hire him with his couldn't-give-a-damn attitude. credit where it's due, to give credit where it's due expr (expressing reluctant praise)该赞扬还得赞扬,这点还是要承认She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits. cut [sb] some slack, give [sb] some slack v expr informal, figurative (make allowances for [sb])放...一马;对...网开一面I'll have to cut my new employee some slack; this is all new to her. Don't give me that! interj informal (Stop making excuses)别再找借口了!'I'm sorry, I forgot.' 'Don't give me that!'. flip [sb] the bird, flip the bird at [sb], give [sb] the bird v expr US, slang (make vulgar middle-finger gesture)竖中指 give [sb] a bad name v expr figurative (damage [sb]'s reputation)损坏某人名声Your behaviour is giving me a bad name in the neighbourhood! give [sb] a bell v expr UK, slang (phone [sb])给…打电话Give me a bell when you need picking up from the station. give a boost to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a boost v expr (assist, encourage)促进,推进;激励The advertisement gave a boost to the company's sales. give [sb] a call v expr informal (phone [sb])给…打电话 give [sb] a complex v expr (make self-conscious)让…感到难为情If you keep mentioning her weight, you'll give her a complex. not give a crap v expr vulgar, slang (not care)不管 give a crap v expr vulgar, slang (care)关心I doubt James gives a crap whether I'm at the party or not. not give a damn v expr potentially offensive, slang (not care)不在乎, 不在意I don't give a damn that my ex has a new girlfriend! give a damn v expr potentially offensive, slang (care)在乎;关心If you give a damn about me, tell me the truth. not give a darn v expr US, informal, euphemism (not care)不关心;不在意备注: Most commonly used in the negative and in questionsFrankly, I don't give a darn about politics. give [sb] a dirty look v expr informal (look resentfully at)厌憎地看...一眼 give a dog a bad name and hang him expr (a bad reputation is hurtful)有事说事,别拿狗撒气;欲加之罪,何患无辞 not give a fig v expr figurative, informal (not care, be unconcerned) (口语)毫不在乎,完全不放在心上 give a fig v expr figurative, informal (care, be concerned)在乎;关心 give [sth/sb] a flick v expr (flip lightly with finger)轻弹;轻击 not give a f*** v expr vulgar, offensive, slang (not care)不在乎, 不关心, 不在意I don't give a f*** what you think.我才不在乎你怎么想。 give a f*** v expr vulgar, offensive, slang (care)在乎;在意Who gives a f*** about fashion? I wear what I like!谁在乎他妈的时尚?我就穿我喜欢的衣服! give [sb] a good telling-off, give [sb] a good telling off v expr informal (reprimand)将某人狠骂一通When the boss found out what had happened, Sally was taken into the office and given a good telling-off. give [sb] a hand v expr informal (help [sb])对...伸出援手,帮助;给...搭把手I needed help carrying the wardrobe and the neighbour gave me a hand. give [sb] a hand, give a hand to [sb] v expr informal (applaud)给...献上掌声;为...鼓掌Let's give a big hand to our next act. give [sb] a handout, give a handout to [sb], also UK: give [sb] a hand-out, give a hand-out to [sb] v expr (give financial aid)提供资金援助 give [sb] a hard time v expr informal (treat harshly)跟...过不去;为难They gave me a hard time at the interview. give [sb] a hard time about [sth], give [sb] a hard time over [sth] v expr informal (berate)责备;责骂My dad gave me a hard time about not finishing my homework. give [sb] a heads-up, give [sb] a heads up, give a heads-up to [sb], give a heads up to [sb] v expr informal (inform, warn [sb])提前通知;警告 give [sb] a helping hand, give a helping hand to [sb] v expr (assist, help)帮助;援助;协助You should give a helping hand to the needy. not give a hoot v expr figurative, informal (not care)关心;在乎I don't give a hoot if you don't like the way I dress--I'll wear whatever I like! give a hoot v expr figurative, informal (care)关心;在乎Do you think I give a hoot about your opinion? give [sb] a kicking v expr informal (attack physically, beat)踢(某人)一脚;踢打 give [sb] a kicking v expr figurative, informal (defeat [sb])打败;击败 give [sb] a kicking v expr figurative, informal (criticize [sb] heavily)猛烈抨击The film critic gave the director a kicking for the boring film. give [sb] a leg to stand on expr figurative (support [sb]'s claim)帮某人佐证;帮某人证明;为某人从旁佐证 give [sb] a leg up, give a leg up to [sb] v expr (lift [sb])帮忙将某人抬起来;帮忙托举某人 give [sb] a leg up, give a leg up to [sb] v expr figurative, informal (give [sb] an advantage)给某人优势;帮某人获得优势 not give a monkey's v expr UK, regional, slang (not care)一点不在乎;无所谓 give a monkey's v expr UK, regional, slang (care, be concerned)关心;在乎 give [sb] a piece of your mind v expr (scold harshly)辱骂;斥责 give a piggyback, give a piggyback to [sb], give [sb] a piggyback v expr informal (carry [sb] on your back)背着;背在肩上My ankle hurts - please give me a piggyback. give [sb] a raise, give a raise to [sb] (US), give [sb] a rise, give a rise to [sb] (UK) v expr informal (increase [sb]'s pay)给…加薪,给…涨工资 give a reading v expr (read [sth] publicly)公开朗读 give [sb] a ride, give a ride to [sb] (US), give [sb] a lift, give a lift to [sb] (UK) v expr informal (take in car)送…;让…搭车I'll give you a ride to the airport. give [sb] a rocket v expr UK, informal (reprimand [sb] severely)严厉斥责;痛骂Jim's boss gave him a rocket for losing the data. give a second thought to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a second thought v expr informal (consideration)再次考虑;再三思量备注: Often used in the negative.Most people don't give a second thought to the problems of the homeless. not give a s*** v expr vulgar, slang (not care)不在乎;不管备注: Most commonly used in the negative and in questions.Sally said she doesn't give a s*** what her unfaithful ex-husband does with his time. give a s*** v expr vulgar, slang (care)在乎;在意It's a long time since I gave a s*** what people thought of me! give [sth] a shot v expr figurative, informal (try)试…,尝试…He gave the auditions a shot, but ultimately failed.I gave that book a shot, but I stopped reading it because I wasn't interested. give [sb] a shout-out, give a shout-out to [sb] v expr informal (acknowledge by name)公开向某人致意;对某人表示感谢During his speech, the student gave a shout-out to the teachers who had encouraged him. give [sb/sth] a standing ovation v expr (audience: rise to applaud [sb/sth])起立鼓掌The crowd gave the film a standing ovation. give a talk v expr (conduct a speech or lecture)作报告;作演讲On Monday I have to give a talk about the work I did over the summer. give [sb] a taste of his/her/their own medicine, give [sb] a dose of his/her/their own medicine v expr figurative (punish [sb] using their own methods)自食苦果 give [sb] a thrashing v expr informal (beat physically)殴打;揍 give [sb] a thrashing v expr figurative, informal (defeat: at sport, etc.)击败;完败 give a tinker's damn, give a tinker's dam, give a tinker's cuss v expr informal (not care at all)一点不在乎;无所谓 give a tinker's damn v expr informal (care, be concerned)关心;在乎 not give a toss v expr UK, vulgar, slang (not care) (俚语,粗俗)在乎;关心;在意I don't give a toss why you're late; you're fired anyway! give a toss v expr UK, vulgar, slang (care) (俚语,粗俗)在乎;关心Do I look like someone who gives a toss? give [sth] a try v expr informal (attempt)试试If you've never gone skiing, you should give it a try. give [sth] a try v expr informal (sample)尝试;尝尝You shouldn't say you hate sushi without giving it a try first. give [sb] a wedgie v expr slang (pull [sb]'s underpants up hard) (恶作剧)内裤卡屁眼备注: 把对方内裤高高拉起,拉到内裤卡在屁股中间 give [sth] a whirl v expr informal, figurative (try [sth] new)尝试Judith had never been surfing before, but she thought she'd give it a whirl. give a wide berth to [sb/sth], give [sb/sth] a wide berth v expr figurative (keep away from)避开;保持距离 give advice v expr (suggest or recommend [sth])建议 give aid to [sb/sth] v expr (provide charity)捐款;捐赠(物品)Some criminals ease their conscience by giving aid to the poor. give [sb/sth] airtime, give airtime to [sb/sth] v expr (TV, radio: publicize) (电视台)播放,播映; (电台)广播 give and take, give-and-take n informal (compromise) (非正式用语)互相让步妥协,互相让步Marriage is all about give and take between the partners. give and take, give-and-take n informal (conversation)讨论;谈话 give approval, give your approval v expr (support, endorse [sth])支持;赞成 give approval for [sth], give your approval for [sth] v expr (permit, agree to [sth])允许;赞同;批准 give as a pretext vtr (make an excuse of)以…为借口;以…为托词She gave being tired as a pretext for escaping from the boring party. give assurance that vtr + n (with clause: guarantee)保证 give assurance of [sth] v expr (guarantee [sth])保证... give your assurance that, give [sb] your assurance that v expr (with clause: guarantee)向...保证... give birth v expr (have a baby)生孩子;生产Sarah gave birth on Tuesday.萨拉在周二生了孩子。 give birth to [sb] v expr (woman: to baby) (人)生(孩子)Emily gave birth to twin girls last Saturday.上周六,艾米丽生了一对双胞胎女婴。 give birth v expr (animal: have offspring) (动物)产仔Our cat crept to a quiet corner of the garden to give birth.我们家的猫爬到花园一个安静的角落去产仔。 give birth to [sth] v expr (animal: to young) (动物)产仔Labradors usually give birth to between six and eight puppies.拉布拉多犬通常会生下六到八只小狗。 give birth to [sth] v expr figurative (create, bring about)催生;开创Henry Ford gave birth to the automotive industry.亨利·福特开创了汽车行业。 give [sb] chapter and verse on [sth] v expr figurative (tell [sb] [sth] in detail)向某人详细描述 give [sb] comfort, give comfort to [sb] vtr + n (console, reassure)安慰;安抚Religion often gives comfort to people in times of trouble. give consent vtr + n (agree to [sth])应允;同意;许可If you're aged 18 or under, your parents or guardians will need to give their consent. give credence to [sth] v expr (accept as the truth)相信;给予…以信任You can't possibly give credence to the word of a man who's a notorious liar!你怎么可能相信一个臭名昭著的骗子所说的话! give [sb] credit, give [sb] credit on [sth] vtr + n (allow delayed payment)让…赊账I soon regretted giving him credit on that purchase. give [sb] credit for [sth], give [sb] credit for doing [sth] v expr (acknowledge)为…而称赞某人Teresa gave Simon credit for admitting responsibility for the mistake. give credit to [sb] for [sth], give credit to [sb] for doing [sth] v expr (acknowledge)为…而称赞某人Many commentators have given credit to Karzai for leading the country to recovery. give [sb] credit, give [sb] some credit vtr + n (recognize worth)赏识,赞许;承认I'm not that stupid; give me some credit! give directions vtr + npl (describe a route)指路They give directions to tourists looking for the mausoleum. give directions vtr + npl (explain how to do [sth])指导;指示I gave him directions on how to fix the tap but it's still leaking. give encouragement to [sb] v expr (offer moral support, cheer [sb] on)鼓励;激励Mary always gives encouragement to her students. give evidence vtr + n (testify in a court of law)提供证据;作证The witness gave evidence that the defendant was indeed guilty of murder. give ground vtr + n figurative (concede, yield)退却;让步He was so stubborn he would never give ground on any argument.give [sb] hell vtr + n slang (reprimand [sb] severely)狠狠数落某人If you keep doing the opposite of what dad tells you, he's going to give you hell one day.give [sb] help vtr + n (assist)给某人帮忙;协助某人give information to [sb] vtr (guide, advise)给…指导;给…建议The doctor gave information about the outbreak to all the patients who came to see him.give information to [sb] vtr (tell: the police) (警察)向...提供信息Anyone who can give information to the police on the recent robberies, please contact us right away.give instruction v expr (teach, train)讲授;教授;指导give it a go expr (try)试一下;试一试Although Brian had never gone kayaking before, he suddenly decided to give it a go.give it a second thought v expr informal (rethink)三思;再思He dropped what he was doing and went to her without giving it a second thought.give it to [sb] v expr slang (reprimand, punish)谴责;责难Give it up! interj (stop trying)放弃吧!Helen is never going to date you--give it up!give it up v expr (stop trying)放弃That's never going to work; I'd give it up, if I were you.give it your best shot v expr (make every effort)全力以赴;尽力而为I'm not sure I can get your cat out of the tree, but I'll give it my best shot.give life to [sth] vtr (enliven)赋予…生机;赋予…活力He provides just enough description to give life to his characters.他的描写恰到好处,让他笔下的人物栩栩如生。give life to [sb] vtr (give birth to)给予...生命;生下give [sb] lip vtr + n figurative, slang (be cheeky to) (俚语)顶嘴;出言不逊Fred fired his employee for giving him lip.Give me a break! interj (to express disbelief or contempt)简直不敢相信;太烦人了give me a hint, give me a clue interj (provide a clue to help me guess)给我点儿提示Who's your mystery boyfriend? Go on, give me a hint ...give me five interj slang (congratulatory) (庆祝方式)跟我击掌,和我击掌庆祝You passed your driving test? Give me five!give meaning to [sth], give [sth] meaning v expr (make [sth] significant)赋予...意义When a student tells me how I helped him in life, it gives meaning to everything I do.give [sb] mixed signals, give [sb] mixed messages v expr (give conflicting impressions)给某人自相矛盾的意思;让某人难以理解give [sb] no quarter v expr (show no mercy)对...毫不留情The border guards gave no quarter to anyone they caught trying to cross illegally.give notice of [sth], give notice that vtr + n (warn, inform)通知The Council's letter gave notice of the election to all the voters.委员会写信向全体选民通知本次选举。give notice, give your notice vtr + n (quit job)预先通知自己辞职He gave notice because he was tired of being treated like a slave.give notice, give your notice vtr + n (to a landlord) (指给房东)通知,通告give of your best, give your best v expr slightly formal (do the very best you can)尽全力;尽最大努力give off heat v expr (emit warmth)发热;散发热量Traditional incandescent light bulbs give off heat, primarily; the light is a by-product.传统的白炽灯主要是发热,附带照明功能。give onto [sth] vi + prep (face onto)面向;朝着The living room gives onto the garden.give or take [sth] expr informal (plus or minus)多或少…I've been away from home for three months, give or take a few days.give or take expr informal (more or less)或多或少;大约;差不多My new car cost $9000, give or take.give out heat v expr (radiate warmth)释放热量;发热That little furnace certainly gives out a lot of heat for its size.give over doing [sth] v expr UK, slang (stop doing [sth])停止做某事;不要再Give over arguing! You're giving me a headache!别吵了!你让我头疼!give over interj UK, slang (stop, desist)行了,够了;住手,住嘴Give over - he's not as bad as that!够了!他没那么坏!give over interj UK, regional, slang (I don't believe you)我才不信呢You reckon you could beat Djokovic at tennis? Give over!你觉得你能在网球赛中击败德约科维奇吗?我才不信呢!give [sb] pause vtr + n (make you stop, think)使…停了下来Seeing the armed guards on the door gave Nathan pause.give [sb] pause to do [sth] v expr (make you stop, think)使某人停下来做某事Samantha's death has given us all pause to reflect on what is important in life.give [sb] permission v expr (allow [sb] to do [sth])许可;同意give [sb] permission to do [sth] v expr (allow [sb] to do [sth])同意某人做某事give permission to do [sth] v expr (allow [sb] to do [sth])许可做某事;准予做某事give pleasure vi (be enjoyable)带来欢乐;带来快乐A beautiful sunset always gives me pleasure.give prominence to [sth] vtr (stress, highlight)强调;突出When writing your CV, always give prominence to your strengths and minimize your weak points.give recognition vtr + n (acknowledge [sth] or [sb] as important)给予承认;给予认可This award is to give recognition for all your hard work. gives recognition to the place of mutual understanding in international relations.这个奖项是对您所有辛勤工作的肯定。Wordreference.com认可相互理解在国际关系中的重要地位。give [sb] relief vtr + n (sooth pain, burden)减轻;抚平Take this medicine; it'll you give relief.吃了这种药,能减轻你的痛苦。give rise to [sth] v expr (cause)引起;导致;造成The lack of food gave rise to riots.食物的短缺引起暴乱。give [sb] s*** vtr + n vulgar, slang (attack verbally)顶撞Every time I need something from you, you give me s***.give [sb] s*** vtr + n vulgar, slang (refuse to cooperate)跟…闹别扭,给…找麻烦Stop giving me s*** and just do as I say.give [sb] short shrift, give short shrift to [sb] v expr (deal curtly with)怠慢;轻慢give [sb] support, lend [sb] support v expr (help, assist [sb])支持,支援;帮助,协助give support to [sb], lend support to [sb] v expr (help, assist [sb])支持,支援;帮助,协助give support to [sth], lend support to [sth] v expr (back, assist [sth])给予支持;帮助They asked me to give support to a cause I don't believe in.give thanks vtr + npl (be thankful, express thankfulness)致谢;感恩;感谢give [sb] the benefit of the doubt v expr (believe [sb] despite misgivings)姑且认为...是对的;暂且相信When John said he hadn't broken the lamp, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him.give [sb] the boot v expr figurative, slang (dismiss [sb]) (俚语)开除;炒鱿鱼They gave him the boot for always being late to the office.give [sb] the brushoff (US), give [sb] the brush-off (UK) v expr figurative, slang (snub [sb]) (某人)忽视;轻视;忽略;不理睬give [sth] the brushoff (US), give [sth] the brush-off (UK) v expr figurative, slang (idea: reject, dismiss) (想法等)不理睬;拒绝;忽视give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (dismiss [sb] rudely) (俚语)将某人赶走;将某人打发走give [sb] the bum's rush v expr slang (eject [sb] forcibly) (俚语)将某人轰走;强行驱赶give [sb] the chop v expr informal (dismiss [sb] from job)开除;将某人炒鱿鱼give [sb] the cold shoulder v expr informal, figurative (snub)冷淡;轻视;冷落After the incident, they all gave her the cold shoulder.give [sb] the creeps v expr slang (unnerve [sb])使...毛骨悚然;使...惊恐万分give [sb/sth] the elbow v expr informal, figurative (break with, reject)与...分手;与...决裂;放弃My sister has finally given her no-good boyfriend the elbow. Isn't it about time we gave these old-fashioned customs the elbow?give [sb] the eye v expr UK, informal, figurative (look at [sb] seductively)向…抛媚眼give [sb] the eye v expr US, informal (look at critically)冷冷地看着,瞪了…一眼A woman stole my parking spot, so when I saw her in the store, I gave her the eye.give the finger to [sb], give [sb] the finger v expr (make offensive middle-finger gesture)对...竖中指;向...比中指give the finger to [sb], give [sb] the finger v expr figurative (defy [sb], be disrespectful)叛逆;反抗; (表示不尊)对...竖中指Punk rock has always been about giving the finger to those in authority.give the game away v expr (divulge [sth])泄露秘密;露出马脚give [sb] the glad hand, give the glad hand to [sb] v expr informal (greet insincerely)真诚问候;诚心问候;诚意问候give [sb] the go-ahead, give the go-ahead to [sb] v expr informal (authorize [sb] to do [sth])批准;向...授予许可give the go-ahead for [sth] v expr informal (authorize [sth])授权做某事give [sb] the go-by v expr informal (snub deliberately)故意不理睬;故意忽视give [sb] the heebie-jeebies v expr informal (unnerve [sb])让某人发怵;让某人汗毛倒竖Even thinking about the haunted house gave him the heebie jeebies.give [sb] the horn v expr slang (excite sexually) (俚语)让某人性兴奋;给某人性刺激give the lie to [sth] v expr (prove untrue)证伪;证明...的虚假give [sb] the runaround v expr informal, figurative (be evasive)故意打发某人;搪塞某人;对某人打马虎眼give [sb] the slip, give the slip to [sb] v expr (escape from [sb] following you)甩掉;摆脱give [sb] the third degree v expr informal (interrogate, question)审讯;审问give [sb] the willies v expr slang (make [sb] nervous) (俚语)让某人紧张;使某人焦虑give thought to [sth], give [sth] thought v expr (consider)思索;思考;考虑…Before planting a tree you need to give thought to what is suitable for your garden.give [sb] up for adoption v expr (give up custody of child)放弃…的抚养权,让人领养Because of her difficult financial situation, Alexis gave up her son for adoption.give up hope v expr (be pessimistic)放弃希望;悲观绝望When looking for a job, the key is not to give up hope.give up hope of [sth] v expr (be resigned)放弃对…的希望The team never gave up hope of victory.give up hope of doing [sth] v expr (be resigned)放弃做…的希望The couple had given up hope of having a child.;give up on doing [sth] v expr (abandon: an effort)放弃I gave up on trying to find a good example.我放弃寻找一个好的例证。give up the ghost v expr (die)过世;去世give up the ghost v expr figurative (stop functioning)停止运行;不再运转My old printer has finally given up the ghost.give warning v expr (warn [sb] of [sth] in good time)给予警告;警示Scientists gave warning that the volcano could erupt at any moment.科学家警告说这座火山随时可能喷发。give way v expr (driving: yield, give priority to) (驾驶)让路Drivers should always give way when there are pedestrians about.当附近有行人时,司机都应该让路。give way to [sth/sb] v expr (driving: yield to, give priority to) (驾驶中)给…让路When driving in the UK, remember to give way to traffic on your right.在英国开车时,请记得给右边的车辆让道。give way v expr (fall, collapse, break under pressure)倒塌;崩塌The bridge columns couldn't resist the strong current and ended up giving way.这些桥墩经不住这股强劲的水流,最终倒塌了。give way to [sb/sth] v expr (give in to: [sb], [sth])对…屈服;对…让步Adrian pestered me so much about going to the party that eventually I gave way to him.艾德里安老是缠着我要我去参加那个派对,最后我还是不得不答应他了。give [sth/sb] your attention v expr (focus on)在...中投入精力give [sb] his/her/their due v expr (give credit to)承认;认可give your two cents, give [sb] your two cents v expr US, figurative (offer opinion)给…提供自己的看法give your word v expr (promise)保证;承诺He'll be here! He gave his word!give your word that v expr (promise)保证;承诺Rachel had given her word that she would lend me the money.give-up n ([sth] conceded)让出,退让give-up n (business: shared commission) (证券等)让与交易备注: 主经纪商介入执行经纪商和客户之间,成为交易双方的交易对手。主经纪商与执行经纪商的交易称为让与交易。give-up n (business: part of a shared commission)让与交易中的一方make a speech, give a speech v expr (address an audience)演讲;发表演讲At the birthday party everyone asked Grandpa to make a speech.The father of the bride gave a speech, welcoming his new son-in-law to the family.not give up v expr (persevere)不放弃John got tired in the middle of the race, but he did not give up.give [sb/sth] the once-over, give [sb/sth] a once-over v expr informal (inspect quickly) (非正式用语)草草打量,粗略查看When I submitted my report to the CEO, he gave it the once-over and then gave me a thumbs up.give [sth] the once-over, give [sth] a once-over v expr informal (clean [sth] quickly) (非正式用语)迅速清洁;迅速打扫I had just finished giving the living room a once-over when the guests heed to [sth], give heed to [sth] v expr (take notice of, listen to)留意;关注You need to pay heed to the explanation leaflet before you take the medication.quit smoking (US), give up smoking, stop smoking (UK) v expr (give up cigarettes)戒烟




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