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词汇 general
释义 generalUK:*/ˈdʒɛnərəl/US:/ˈdʒɛnərəl/ ,( jen′ər əl)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 general adj (widespread)普遍的;总的The general feeling is that he made a big mistake.大家普遍都认为他是大错特错了。 general adj (global, overall)总体的;总的来说;大体上This is a general rule that applies to all of my employees.这是一条适用于所有我公司员工的一般规则。 general adj (approximate)大致的;大概的I have a general idea what he is talking about.我大致知道他在谈什么。 general n (military: army)将军;将官The general told his sergeants to advance.将军命令军士们前进。 其他翻译 general n (military: air force) (空军)上将The general gave all the squadron leaders a pep talk. 复合形式: AG n US, initialism (law: Attorney General) (Attorney General的缩写)首席检察官 agent-general n (chief representative)首席代表 agent-general n (English government: representative)驻伦敦的总代表备注: 加拿大省或澳大利亚州,历史上还有其他英国前殖民地 AGM n initialism (Annual General Meeting)年会;年度股东大会 annual general meeting n (yearly firm meeting)年会 as a general rule adv (usually)一般来说;通常情况下I don't eat meat as a general rule, but I make an exception for my mother's cooking.Sometimes I'm late, but as a general rule I always try to be on time. Attorney General, attorney general n US (head of US legal system) (美国)司法部长;检察总长;首席检察官Eric H. Holder, Jr. was sworn in as Attorney General of the United States on February 3, 2009. Attorney General, attorney general n US (head of state legal system) (美国)司法部长;总检察长Republican Pam Bondi has been re-elected as Florida's Attorney General. consul general (diplomacy)总领事 DG n mainly UK, initialism (Director General) (Director General 缩写)署长,总监,总干事The DG of the enterprise is out of the country this week. director general, plural: directors general n mainly UK (chief executive)总裁 EGM n initialism (extraordinary general meeting)特别全体大会,全体特别会议 four-star general n (high-ranking military officer) (军衔)四星上将Dwight David Eisenhower was a four-star-general. general admission n (admission to unreserved seating)普通门票;入场券 general admission n (usual entrance fee)入场费;进场费 general agreement n (opinion of most people)一致同意;全体通过Scientists are in general agreement that the Big Bang took place about 17 billion years ago. general anesthesia (US), general anaesthesia (UK) n (induced unconsciousness)全身麻醉;全麻The patient will be under general anesthesia during his surgery. general anesthetic (US), general anaesthetic (UK) n (medicine: makes you unconscious)全身麻醉;全麻You will always receive a general anesthetic before major surgery. general belief n ([sth] commonly considered true)共同信仰;一致的信念Contrary to general belief, penguins do not just live in extremely cold conditions. general consent n (overall agreement)一致同意We didn't vote, but there was general consent to canceling the picnic. general election n (national election)大选;普选The Government was forced to call a general election after losing its majority in the House of Commons.We expect the current government to be voted out at the next general election. general idea n (approximately the thought)大体的想法,笼统的想法;一般的观念,普遍的想法She did not understand the essay completely but she got the general idea. general knowledge n (commonly known facts)常识;日常知识The team won the pub quiz thanks to the breadth of its general knowledge.这支队伍因了解各方面知识而在酒吧智力竞赛中获胜。 general ledger n (records, accounts)总账;总分类账You will need to enter the totals in the general ledger. general manager n (supervisor)总经理The general manager of a baseball team approves all of the hiring decisions. general medicine n (non-surgical branch of medicine)一般内科Most family doctors practice only general medicine. general of the army n (high-ranking military officer)陆军五星上将 general partner (economics)普通合伙人 general post office n US (main post office branch)邮政总局The general post office is located in the neighborhood of Chelsea. general practitioner n UK, formal (family doctor)全科医师;普通医师Everyone should see a general practitioner for regular checkups.每个人都应去全科医生处做定期检查。 general public n (people in general)公众;一般民众;一般民众The park is closed to the general public. general rule n ([sth] customary)一般规律;通则The general rule is that the bride's parents pay for the wedding.一般来说,由新娘的父母支付婚礼费用。 general store n US (shop selling a variety of goods)杂货店Because of big shopping malls and supermarkets, it's hard to find a general store these days. general strike n (mass work stoppage)总罢工A true general strike could easily topple a government.The general strike was very impressive: practically no-one in the whole city went to work that day. general theory of relativity n (physics: Einstein's theory) (物理)广义相对论Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced the Newton's earlier theory of gravitation. general-purpose adj (not for one specific use)通用的, 多用途的 governor general n (Commonwealth representative)总督 GP n UK, colloquial, initialism (doctor: general practitioner)全科医生When is the last time you saw your GP for a physical exam?你最后一次找自己的全科医生做体检是什么时候? handyman, general handyman n (man employed to do odd jobs)零工;勤杂工Mrs. Winters hired a handyman to clean her gutters. in general adv (generally, as a rule)一般而言;总的说来In general I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate.总的来说,相较于黑巧克力而言我更喜欢牛奶巧克力。 in general terms adv (generally, approximately)概括地;大概地;一般地说In general terms, dogs need looking after more than cats. inspector general n (military: investigating officer) (军事)检察长,督察长 major general n (military officer) (军队)少将 secretary-general n (chief administrative officer)秘书长 superintendent-general, Superintendent-General n Can ([sb]: oversees affairs)总长,监督长Hector-Louis Langevin became Canada's Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs in 1868. surgeon general n US (United States' chief medical officer)卫生局局长The Surgeon General warns that smoking may be hazardous to your health. TGWU n UK, initialism (Transport and General Workers' Union)交通运输总工会 VG n initialism (vicar general)代理主教,主教总代理




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