

词汇 going towards
释义 going towards
going towards发音



gone towards───走向

count towards───包括在内;计入

go towards───走向

goes towards───走向

counting towards───包括在内;计入

leaning towards───vt.倾向(偏向)

counts towards───包括在内;计入

bring rewards───带来收获

going down as───作为


And so the normal vector is going towardS what is up for me.───所以法向量指向我的上方。

In fact, the law doesn't even say whether it's going towards the sun or away from the sun.───事实上,这定律没强调,它是指向太阳还是远离太阳的。

it would be going towards higher values of a function.───它应指向函数值较大的一边。

said the farmer, going towards the chest in which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened.───农夫说。于是他走到箱子那儿。他的妻子早把那个真正的牧师在里面藏好了。

Second, his investigation of the principle of the movement in the Physics is going towards the theological science in the Metaphysics.───其次论述亚氏在《物理学》对运动原理的探索,它指向《形上学》的《神学的科学》。

In a typical datacenter, 55% of energy goes to power and cooling, with the remainder going towards server management.───在传统的数据中心中,55%的电力用在供电和冷却方面,其余部分用于服务器管理。

Throughout the week, keep a check on how you are going towards completion of your weekly goals.───在这一周中,持续核查自己如何朝着完成本周目标迈进。

Keeping awake for three months, you are bound to get mad, because you forget going towards the opposite side.───就试着三个星期不睡觉吧--你会发疯的,因为你已经忘了走向对立面。

I began to run, but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction.───我开始跑,是因为还在半梦半醒之间,我跑向了楼梯的相反方向。


The occasional small truck rumbled along the riverside going towards the central market.

Falconer's header from a Hendrie cross was going towards the top corner until Schmeichel flung himself across goal.

It seemed that the verderers were going towards the outlaws' citadel, not away from it.

America, the US one, should show more respect, my going towards a green military, green oil...etc.

At least if they kept going towards the sunset they were going away from the Ridgery and would arrive somewhere.

  • going to the
  • going places
  • going against
  • going out of
  • going to the dogs
  • going to be
  • going sledding
  • going over to
  • going dutch
  • going back
  • going pursuit
  • going in to
  • going shopping
  • going with the flow doesn
  • going todo
  • going my home




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