

词汇 palm to palm
释义 palm to palm
palm to palm发音



date palm───枣椰树

gomuti palm───桄榔

hell to pay───严厉惩罚;严重的后果

palm oil───n.棕榈油

palm oils───n.棕榈油



pindo palm───平纹棕榈

sago palm───n.西谷椰子;西米棕榈;西谷叶纤维


put all your data into, say, Palm Desktop, and then one day you lose your Palm or move to a platform that can't read your desktop files.───比方说你将一些数据输入到掌上电脑中,但是突然有一天你弄丢了你的掌上电脑或者你换到了另一个无法读取你桌面文件的平台。

And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.───而密合的掌心远胜于亲吻。

Communicating through touch is another important nonverbal behavior. Always put your hand out to shake hands. A classic good handshake is one with full palm to palm contact.───通过身体接触进行交流是另一种重要的非语言行为。每次都要把手伸出来与对方握手。经典的正确握手方式是手掌对手掌的完全接触。

Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.───面向太阳的方向,双脚并拢站立,双手胸前合十。

For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers ' kiss.───即使是神的手也准许信徒触摸,而密合的掌心远胜于亲吻。

Zoned trip, a jump in the bow, whistle, command, in a stern Shaofu palm to palm direction.───划行时,一人在船头跳跃、吹哨、指挥,一人在船尾掌艄,以掌方向。

And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.───掌心的密合远胜如亲吻。

2 palm to palm down, quietly cover the eyes, adhere to the 10 ~ 15 seconds.───手掌下滑,使掌心悄悄掩盖住眼睛,坚持10~15秒。


Palm to palm, fingers interlaced.

JULIET Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this: For saints he hands that pilgrims do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.

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