

词汇 go for broke
释义 go for broke
go for broke发音


v.全力以赴; 孤注一掷


to go for broke───一文不名

to go broke───破产

go broke───破产

to forbode───预兆

to forebode───预兆

go for a song───贱价抛售;贱卖

go for a burton───失踪;被破坏;丧命

go for it───努力争取;加油

power broker───权力掮客(等于powerbroker)


Maybe, it is for you to conquer your fears and go for broke.───也许失业正是你征服恐惧和全力以赴、破釜沉舟的良好时机.

Let every creature go for broke and sing.───让所有生灵都尽情唱歌吧.

Go for broke- If you are going to do important science, do it.───打破陈旧的观念-如果你将要研究重要的科学,就一定要做到这一点。

The racing car driver decided to go for broke in the last race of the year.───赛车手决定在该年度最后一场比赛上孤注一掷.

He will go for broke hoping to fulfill his Olympic dream.───他为了实现奥运梦,而全力以赴.

It was a sharp disagreement about whether to go for broke or whether to compromise.───是放手一搏还是保守妥协,在这一问题上的分歧很尖锐。

Maybe being laid off was a blessing in disguise. Maybe, it is time for you to conquer your fears and go for broke.───也许被解雇对你来说是塞翁失马,因祸得福;也许失业正是你征服恐惧和全力以赴、破釜沉舟的良好时机。

He decided to go for broke in the coming race.───他决定在即将到来的竞赛中竭尽所能.

But, with that cashback, why not go for broke?───但是, 与卡, 为什么不能去打破?

I decided to go for broke and start my own business.───我决定孤注一掷创办自己的公司.

Jim intends to go for broke in the race, even though the effort may kill him.───吉姆打算在下一次赛跑中拼命跑, 纵然要累死也在所不惜.

This is the time go for broke.───现在是孤注一掷的时候了.

Now, as a new chapter begins, it's time to go for broke.───在新篇章即将打开的时候,现在该全力以赴了。


Let every creature go for broke and sing.

So he felt free to go for broke.

Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

Go for broke, and be undeterred in your search for the possible dream.

In games, I usually go for broke. 12.

I decided to go for broke and start my own business.

This is the time go for broke.

But, with that cashback, why not go for broke?

Jim intends to go for broke in the race, even though the effort may kill him.

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