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词汇 force
释义 forceUK:*/ˈfɔːrs/US:/fɔrs/ ,(fôrs, fōrs)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 force n (strength)力,力量; (人)力气,体力This lift has a lot of force and can lift a heavy truck.这个起重机力量很大,可以举起一辆沉重的卡车。NEW:他费尽所有力气才把门打开。 force n (physics: influence on motion) (物理学概念)力,风力等级The force of the wind caused the ball to fall to the side.风力把球吹到了一边。 force n (powerful entity) (有影响的人或事物)势力,力量Many people think that religion is a force of good in the world.许多人认为宗教是世间一股向善的力量。 force n (military group)军事力量Our country's military includes the army and the air force.我国的军事力量包括陆军和空军。 forces npl (military: troops) (军事)军队,部队Military forces landed on the island and restored order.部队登岛,恢复了岛上秩序。 force [sth] vtr (obstacle: overcome)强行打开; (与表示方向的副词或介词连用)用强力克服阻力而促使The police forced the door.警察强行打开了门。 force [sb] vtr (compel, oblige)强迫;逼迫Beth didn't want to eat anything, but her parents forced her.贝丝不想吃任何东西,但她父母却逼迫她吃。 force yourself vtr + refl (make yourself do [sth])逼迫自己做某事;强迫自己做某事 force [sb] to do [sth] v expr (compel, oblige)强迫某人做某事His father forced him to take out the rubbish.他爸强迫他把垃圾拿出去丢掉。 force yourself to do [sth] v expr (make yourself do [sth])迫使自己做某事To make progress you have to force yourself to practice every day. force yourself on [sb] v expr (rape)强奸;强暴 其他翻译 force n (compulsion)力量;支配力Some force is driving me to telephone him.某种力量驱使我给他打电话。 force n (persuasiveness)说服力;力度Her argument had a lot of force.她的论点很有说服力。 force n (group of people)群体;一群人备注: usually used in compounds: "police force," "labor force," "sales force"The company's sales force has done great work this year.公司的销售团队今年干得很不错。 force n (strain)压力The metal couldn't withstand the force, and eventually broke.金属没法承受那样的压力,最终断裂。 force [sth] vtr (overcome opposition to)克服阻力促成Through the power of persuasion, we were able to force the issue through. 动词短语 force [sth] down, force down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (eat with difficulty)勉强吃下… force [sth] down, force down [sth] vtr phrasal sep (airplane: force to land) (飞机)使…迫降 force [sth] out vtr phrasal sep (expel, push out)驱逐, 把…赶走He didn't want to admit it, but he forced the words out. force [sb] out vtr phrasal sep figurative (evict)迫使某人离开Police forced the squatters out.警察将那些非法占用者都赶了出去。 复合形式: AFC n US, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)空军十字勋章 AFC n UK, initialism (military decoration: Air Force Cross)空军十字勋章 air force n (military: aviation unit)空军France has a larger air force than the UK.法国空军比英国规模大。 Air Force, the Air Force n US (USAF: United States Air Force)美国空军Dan is a pilot in the Air Force.丹是美国空军的飞行员。 Air Force, the Air Force n UK (RAF: Royal Air Force)空军Ian joined the Air Force as soon as he was old enough.伊恩一到参军年龄就加入了空军。 the armed forces npl (the military)军队, 部队备注: This term should be capitalized when referring to a specific group, such as the British Armed Forces.Steve joined the armed forces in 1995. armed force n (army, branch of the military)武装部队;武装力量Costa Rica has no armed force. blunt force n (heavy impact)钝力;重击 brute force n (physical strength, power)强力I tried to lock him out but he broke down the door with brute force. by force adv (using physical strength, violence)通过武力Soldiers generally operate by force. come into force, come into effect v expr (become applicable, active)开始生效The new law does not come into force until February of next year. deadly force n (sufficient strength to cause death)致命武力 driving force n (impetus)强劲的力量The actress was the driving force behind the renovation of the theatre. enter into force v expr (become law, become active) (法律)生效The new immigration law passed last week by the legislature, will enter into force January 1st of next year. force [sth] apart vtr + adv (prise open)撬开When the elevator was stuck, he had to force the doors apart to get out. force feed [sb/sth], force-feed [sb/sth] vtr (animal, person: feed against their will)强迫...进食;填鸭Her hunger strike was cut short after they force-fed her.他们强迫她进食,导致她的绝食抗议提前中止了。 force feed [sb/sth] [sth], force-feed [sb/sth] [sth] vtr (animal, person: force to eat)强迫...吃某物The guards force-fed the prisoner food.守卫们强迫囚犯吃东西。 force-feed [sth] to [sb] vtr figurative (impose: [sth] on [sb])将…强行灌输给The regime force-fed propaganda to the people. force feeding n (use of a tube to force nourishment)强行进食;强迫进食 force feeding n (gavage: feeding of geese)填鸭式喂养;强饲There would be no pâté de foie gras without the force feeding of geese. force majeure n French (catastrophic intervention)不可抗力;人力不可抗The shipping insurance does not cover piracy or other acts of force majeure. force of gravity n (gravitational pull)重力;地心引力;万有引力The force of gravity on the Moon is lower than on Earth. force of habit n (automatic, habitual behavior)习惯使然 a force of nature n figurative (person with strong personality)有个性的人That little boy is a force of nature! force of will n (determination)意志的力量Marcus isn’t naturally good with numbers. It was really difficult for him to get a degree in math, but he succeeded through sheer force of will. force [sth] open vtr + adj (open by physical force)强行打开The jar lid was sealed tightly so he had to force it open. force [sb] out of [sth] v expr figurative (compel to leave)迫使...离开,驱逐...离开;迫使...放弃He was forced out of retirement when they cut off his pension. a force to be reckoned with, a power to be reckoned with n ([sth/sb] powerful)不可小觑的力量When Angela gets angry, she is a force to be reckoned with. force your way (through/into [sth]) v expr (obtain entry, way: by strength)强行挤入;强行挤进;挤过去The army forced their way into the city. force your way in v expr (enter by physical force)强行进入;闯入She attempted to keep him outside of the house, but he forced his way in. force-fed adj (animal, person: fed against will)强迫进食的 full force n (maximum power)全力 gale-force wind n (wind over 32 mph or 61 km/h)七级以上大风 have the force of [sth] vtr (be as powerful as)有…的效力The Highway Code does not have the force of law. in force adj (operating, being applied)生效的;有效的;实施中的According to the laws currently in force, you must wear a safety belt when driving a car. in force adv (in great numbers)大批地;大量地His friends came out in force to support him in the race. in full force expr (all members of group)全体地;全员地Ray's colleagues came out in full force to wish him well on his last day at the office. labor force (US), labour force (UK) n (workforce: employable people)劳动力The size of the labor force increases when school closes for the summer. life force (philosophy) (哲学)生命力 magnetic field, magnetic intensity, magnetic field strength,magnetizing field, magnetizing force n (where magnetic force acts)磁场强度 motivating force n ([sth] that inspires action)诱因 physical force n (power)体力 police force n (local law-enforcement team)(地方)警察机关;警察 police force n (national law-enforcement organization)(一国的)警察;警察机关 RAF n UK, initialism (Royal Air Force) (英国,Royal Air Force的首字母缩略)皇家空军 Royal Air Force n UK (aerial branch of British military)英国皇家空军Pete is an officer in the Royal Air Force. sales force n (team of salespeople)销售人员;销售队伍 security force n (military peacekeeping group)安全部队The UN sent a security force to keep the peace in the region. task force n (military unit: with a mission)特遣部队The Navy sent a task force to counter the attack.海军派出了一支特遣部队来抵御这次袭击。 task force n (group: with an objective)特别行动小组;特别任务小组The Mayor formed a task force to wipe prostitution off the streets of the city.市长成立一个特别行动小组来清理城市大街小巷的卖淫活动。 tour de force n (accomplishment)壮举;力作John Coltrane's saxophone solo on "My Favorite Things" was a tour de force.The director's latest film is a tour de force that excites both critics and audiences. United States Air Force n US (aerial branch of US military)美国空军Steve is training to become a pilot in the United States Air Force. USAF n initialism (United States Air Force)美国空军 workforce, work force n (all employees of a company) (公司的)全体员工,人力资源备注: Used with a singular or plural verbThe company gave the whole workforce a bonus at Christmas.圣诞节时公司给全体员工发了奖金。 workforce, work force n (all workers in a region) (整个国家、地区的)劳动力,劳动人口备注: Used with a singular or plural verbThe country's workforce needs to increase in order to provide for an ageing population.要供养老龄人口,该国的劳动人口必须增加。




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