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词汇 goes around
释义 goes around
goes around发音



goes round───到处走动;绕道

comes around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉

goofs around───消磨时间;随便玩玩

mopes around───无精打采地徘徊;闷闷不乐

moves around───四处移动

noses around───窥探, 探听

pokes around───闲逛

boss around───颐指气使

get around───到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于getround);有办法应付;有办法应付局面


There is an old saying "What goes around comes around. " Today, I sent you this story and I'm asking you to pass it on. . .───有句谚语说的是“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”今天,我把这个故事发给你们,也请你们接着发给别人…

When the earthquake hit, Stone wondered if it was a case of what goes around, comes around.───当地震击中中国的时候,斯通想:那会不会是种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆呢?

Tom said the earth goes around the sun.───汤姆说地球绕着太阳转。

The geography teacher told the children that the earth goes around the sun .───地理老师告诉孩子们地球围着太阳转。

Common sense says the sun goes around the earth. Who agrees with me? Look at it!───一般的感觉告诉我们太阳绕着地球转,有人同意我吗?

The earth, which goes around the sun, is called a planet.───地球是一个行星,它绕着太阳运转。


The water wheel goes around and around.

The moon goes around the Earth.

The route goes around the shore of Derwent Water.

The creek goes around a bend by the farm.

He goes around in a T-shirt even in winter.

She often goes around barefoot.

The earth goes around the sun.

She goes around barefoot most of the time.

What goes around comes around.

  • goes by
  • goes against my mind
  • goes work
  • goes back
  • goes running
  • goes well
  • goes shopping
  • goes to running
  • goes out of
  • goes to worany longer
  • goes on
  • goes back home
  • goes online
  • goes dowe
  • goes bock
  • goes ahead
  • goes on top
  • goes hiking
  • goes back to school




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