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词汇 flutter
释义 flutterUK:*/ˈflʌtər/US:/ˈflʌtɚ/ ,(flut′ər)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 flutter vi (flap wings)拍动翅膀;扇动翅膀The chicken fluttered down from the top of the chicken coop.那只鸡拍拍翅膀从鸡笼顶部跳了下来。 flutter vi (flap, movement caused by air)飘动;飘扬The flag fluttered in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。 flutter vi (heart: beat irregularly)怦怦乱跳Jared's heart fluttered when he saw the news.看到那条新闻,加里德得心怦怦乱跳。 flutter [sth] vtr (wings: flap) (翅膀)拍动,扇动The bird fluttered its wings in an attempt to fly away.那只鸟扇动着翅膀想要飞走。 flutter n (fast flapping movement)拍打;扇动;扑闪There is a theory that says the flutter of a butterfly's wings can trigger a tornado on the other side of the world.有一种假说称,蝴蝶翅膀的扑扇能引起地球另一个角落的龙卷风。 flutter n (agitation)紧张;激动不安Sarah felt a flutter of excitement.莎拉感到激动不安。 其他翻译 flutter n (audio) (录音、录音带)抖动,颤抖,振颤The sound tech demanded a better tape machine because the old one was causing issues with wow and flutter. flutter n (aircraft: vibration) (飞机)颤振Flutter can seriously damage and destroy airplanes in the air. 动词短语 flutter about vi phrasal (flap)拍翅膀;扑动翅膀The butterfly fluttered about the flower garden. flutter about vi phrasal (make small quick movements)飘舞,纷飞The leaves on the trees would flutter about in the breeze. flutter about vi phrasal figurative (move around nervously)坐立不安;焦急地走来走去 复合形式: atrial flutter n (irregular heart rhythm)心房扑动 flutter kick n (swimming: kick with straight legs) (一种游泳的方法)浅打水,小腿上下击水The flutter kick can be used when swimming on your back. in a flutter adj informal (agitated, flustered) (非正式用语)心情烦躁的,心绪不宁的,焦躁不安的After losing several times in a row to weaker players, the chess master found himself in a flutter. in a flutter adv informal (in an agitated or flustered state) (非正式用语)心情烦躁地,心绪不宁地,焦躁不安地His kisses always put me in a flutter.




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