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词汇 drive
释义 driveUK:*/ˈdraɪv/US:/draɪv/ ,(drīv)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 drive vi (operate a vehicle)开车I can't drive yet. I'm only 15.We've been driving for hours; aren't we there yet?You're driving too fast!我才15岁,我还不能开车。// 我们都开了好几个小时的车了,还没到地方吗?// 你车速太快了! drive [sth] vtr (operate: a vehicle)开(车);驾驶Would you like to drive my new car?你想开我的新车吗? drive [sb] vtr (passenger: transport)驾车运送;载人;开车送I'll be late to the show unless you can drive me.除非你开车送我,否则我看节目就会迟到了。 drive [sth] vtr (cause movement)驱使;驱动Wind drives the fan and creates electricity.风驱动风扇,产生电力。 drive [sb] to [sth] vtr (passenger: transport)开车送…到…去Could you drive me to the station?你能开车送我到车站么? drive [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep figurative (compel, cause)驱使,迫使The addiction drove him to a life of crime and misery.毒品上瘾驱使他走上犯罪道路,生活凄惨。 drive [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep figurative (compel, cause)强迫某人做某事The desire to make her parents proud is what drives her to succeed.想让父母为自己感到骄傲的心就是驱使她成功的动力。 drive [sth] vtr figurative (push, power)推动Spending drives the economy.消费推动经济。 其他翻译 drive adj (part of machine)驱动的;动力的There's a problem in the drive train.动力传动系统有问题。 drive n (journey by car)驾驶;驾车The drive was really tiring.这一路驾驶过来真的很累。 drive n (pleasure trip)驾车旅行Let's go for a drive in the country.咱们开车去乡下兜兜风吧。 drive n (push) (内部的,内心的)动力,推动力His drive to succeed led him into business.他要成功的动力驱使他进入了商界。 drive n ([sth] driven: animals, cargo) (指被运送的货物或牲畜)一车The whole drive of cattle fell ill and nearly died en route.整车的牛全部生病,在路上几乎死光了。 drive n (psychology: urge)欲望;冲动He has difficulty controlling his drives.他很难控制自己的欲望。 drive n (forward course)冲刺;猛进They somehow found the energy for a final drive for the finish line.不知道怎么回事,他们又满血复活,向着终点线进行最后冲刺。 drive n (military thrust) (军事)强攻The army's drive into enemy territory was a great success.部队攻入敌方领地,这是一大胜利。 drive n (charity)活动;运动The spring fund-raising drive was very successful.春节筹款活动大获成功。 drive n (energy)干劲;精神She's got a lot of drive and that motivates everyone.她干劲十足,大家都深受鼓舞。 drive n (machinery)传动装置The belt drive is poorly designed.这个传送带设计得很差。 drive n (automobiles)驾驶档Move the car from neutral to drive and release the brakes.把车从空档挂为驾驶档,然后放开刹车。 drive n (sports: hitting) (体育运动术语)猛击,猛抽,猛踢Her drive sent the ball right past her opponent.她一记抽球, 球从对手身边飞过。 drive n (computing) (计算机)驱动器Insert the CD into the drive.将CD放入驱动器中。 Drive n (road name) (路名)路,大道Jane's address is 65 Poplar Drive.简的住址是帕普勒街65号。 drive, driveway n (driveway: path from house to road)私人车道An expensive-looking sports car turned into the drive.Sarah parked her car in the driveway.一辆看起来很贵的跑车拐进了那家的私人车道。//萨拉将她的车停在了私人车道上。 drive [sb] to do [sth] v expr figurative (motivate)促使某人做某事;驱使某人做某事What drives her to succeed is a desire to make her parents proud.想让父母自豪,这是促使她取得成功的动力。 drive vi (be impelled)急驶The yacht drove before the strong wind.风很大,快艇顺风疾驶。 drive vi (go forward vigorously)猛进;前冲The storm drove onwards, gathering strength.风暴向前迅猛推进,一路积蓄着力量。 drive vi (travel by vehicle)驾车出行;开车出行Shall we drive or take the train?我们是开车去还是坐火车去? drive vi (sports: hit or kick) (体育运动术语)击,踢In golf, I find driving easier than putting.我发现打高尔夫发球比推球入洞容易。 drive [sth] vtr (sport: hit, kick) (体育比赛术语)猛踢,猛击Kane drove a low shot past the goalkeeper.凯恩一记低射,球飞过守门员入网。 drive [sth] vtr (baseball: advance) (棒球)使(跑垒)得分He drove the runner home with a hit. drive [sth] vtr (logs: float down river)使漂流They drove the logs down the river. drive [sb] vtr figurative (motivate)推动;促进;驱使Ian's desire to be the best is what drives him.伊安想出人头地,这就是他的动力。 drive [sb] to [sth] vtr figurative (provoke)把…逼到(某种程度);逼得Her children always drive her to the point of madness.她家孩子经常把她搞得快疯掉。 drive [sth] to [sth] vtr figurative (push)把…推动到;将…推进到She drove the conversation to a certain topic.她把谈话推动到某个话题上。 drive [sth] into [sth/sb] vtr + prep (nail, blade: hammer)将...钉进;把...敲进He drove the nail into the wall. drive [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (sport: hit, kick) (体育运动)抽,猛击She drove the ball into the net. 动词短语 drive away vi phrasal (depart in a vehicle)驱车离开She wiped a tear from her eye as he drove away.看着他驱车离开,她擦拭了眼角的泪水。 drive by vi phrasal (go past in a vehicle)飞车经过Ray drove by in his truck. drive [sth] down vtr phrasal sep figurative (force to decrease)压低The current economic crisis will drive down house prices. drive [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep figurative (propel)推进The new legislation was driven forward by fears of mass immigration. drive forward vi phrasal (steer ahead)驱车向前Instead of reversing, he drove forward into a tree. drive [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep (vehicle: steer ahead)向前开... drive in vi phrasal (go by car)驱车到达;驾驶进If we take the train we don't have to drive in and face all that traffic. drive into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (enter: in a vehicle)开车进入;驶入You will receive a ticket when you drive into the parking garage. drive into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (crash: a vehicle)开车撞上The drunk driver drove into a wall. drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep (make insane)使…发疯 drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep (annoy) (烦躁)把...逼疯 drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep (arouse sexually) (激起性欲)令…欲罢不能 drive off vi phrasal (vehicle: pull out, move off)驶出I sadly watched him drive off, knowing I wouldn't see him again.我伤感地看着他驾车离开,知道我们不会再见了。 drive [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sep (force to leave)赶走;驱逐出去The natives were driven out of their villages by the foreign invaders.当地居民被外来侵略者赶出了自己的村庄。 drive up vi phrasal (arrive in a vehicle)驱车来到I was surprised to see him drive up in a flashy sportscar.他开了一辆炫酷的跑车前来,让我颇为惊讶。 drive [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (price: cause to rise) (价格)使…上涨,抬高…Demand for housing is driving house prices up.对住房的需求正在推动房价上涨。 复合形式: blood drive n (event: blood donation)献血活动I'll be giving my 95th pint at the blood drive on Monday. cattle drive n (herding livestock)赶牛 chain drive n (mechanism: roller chain)链条传动My first motorcycle had a chain drive and I had to remember to check the tension. The chain drive on a bicycle transfers power from the pedals to turn the wheels. disk drive n (computing: hardware)磁盘驱动 drink and drive v expr (operate vehicle while drunk)酒后驾车It is illegal to drink and drive. drive a bargain v expr (negotiate a deal)讲价I got a good price on my new car because I drove a hard bargain with the salesman. drive a hard bargain v expr (be tough negotiator)进行一场艰苦的谈判The shopkeeper drove a hard bargain, but we eventually agreed on a price for the vase. drive a wedge between [sb], drive a wedge between [sb] and [sb] v expr figurative (cause bad feeling between)在...和...间作梗;在...和...间挑拨离间I can't help feeling that your mother is trying to drive a wedge between us. drive at [sth] vi + prep figurative (suggest, intend to say) (比喻)暗示, 意指What are you driving at? drive [sb/sth] away vtr + adv (repel, force to leave)赶走;使...远离;使...离开She drove him away with her constant nagging.他受不了她不停的唠叨,离开了她。 drive [sb/sth] back vtr + adv (cause [sb/sth] to retreat)使…后退;击退… drive-by n (shooting from a passing car)飞车射杀Osman admitted that he was the gunman in a drive-by. drive-by adj (shooting: from passing car)飞车射杀A man has life-threatening injuries after a drive-by incident in Tucson. drive [sb] crazy v expr informal (make insane)把…逼疯;逼得…发疯 drive [sb] crazy v expr slang (annoy)让人受不了;快把…烦疯了That hip-hop music just drives me crazy! drive [sb] crazy v expr slang (arouse sexually)让…为之疯狂;让…神魂颠倒The way you kiss drives me crazy. drive [sb] home vtr + adv (take [sb] home in car)开车送...回家 drive [sth] home vtr + adv (propel into place)将...推至应有的位置A sharp blow of the hammer drove the nail home. drive [sth] home vtr + adv figurative (instil or impress the truth of [sth])令人意识到;加深了…的印象My dad's funeral really drove home the fact that he was gone forever. drive-in n US (restaurant)免下车餐厅;得来速When my father met my mother she was a waitress at the drive-in.我父亲遇见我母亲的时候,我母亲还是免下车餐厅的一位服务员。 drive-in n US (cinema)汽车影院 drive-in adj US (cinema, restaurant) (影院、餐厅等)露天的,汽车的,免下车的备注: 指顾客不必下车即可享受的服务There are very few drive-in theaters left in North America. drive [sth/sb] off vtr (chase away)赶走We had to drive off the wolves that were stalking the sheep.我们必须赶走那些尾随羊群的狼。 drive on vi + adv (keep driving without stopping)继续开车;继续驾驶 drive [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v expr figurative, informal (annoy)使某人极为恼怒;气得某人发疯The baby's constant crying drove James out of his mind. drive [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v expr figurative, informal (arouse sexually)把某人迷得七荤八素Watching you sunbathe used to drive me out of my mind. drive over [sth] vi + prep (vehicle: go on top of [sth])驶过The driver slowly drove over the loose gravel. drive [sb] round the bend v expr slang, figurative (make insane) (俚语)把....逼疯You're driving me round the bend! Drive safely! expr (said to [sb] leaving by car)安全驾驶;小心驾驶Thank you for coming to the party! Drive safely! drive shaft, drive-shaft, US: driveshaft n (mechanism)驱动轴 drive stick v expr US, informal (drive manual-transmission car)手动挡驾驶;开手动挡In Europe, almost everybody drives stick. drive [sb] to despair v expr (cause [sb] to feel hopeless)让...感到无助;让...绝望 drive [sb] to despair v expr informal (cause [sb] to feel exasperated)让...绝望 drive train, drivetrain n (automotive system)传动系统 drive [sb] up the wall v expr informal, figurative (irritate [sb])使…大怒 drive yourself to [sth] v expr (go by car)自己驱车前往I don't think you should drive yourself to the hospital. drive yourself to [sth] v expr figurative (motivate yourself)激励自己做... drive-by shooting n (gunfire from car)驾车枪击;驾车枪击案,驾车枪击事件The police have arrested an 18-year-old gang member in connection with a drive-by shooting. drive-in theater n US (car-park cinema)可以驶进的剧院 drive-through, drive-thru n (takeaway restaurant)免下车餐馆Dave made a quick detour to the drive-through for fries on his way home from the office. drive-through, drive-thru n as adj (used from a car)免下车即可获得服务的The drive-through restaurant is inaccessible to pedestrians. drive-up window n (for customers in cars)免下车服务窗;驾车者服务窗 economy drive n (strategy to save money)节约运动 economy drive n (government: reduction in spending money)节省开支 flash drive, also UK: pen drive n (computer: memory device)闪存盘Every paper I wrote this year is on this flash drive. fly-drive adj (including flight and car hire)半自助的;空陆联游的 food drive n (charity event)食品捐赠活动The church is holding a food drive this weekend to help needy families. four-wheel drive n (vehicle: SUV) (车辆)四轮驱动的Drivers in rural areas need a four-wheel drive to cope with winter conditions. four-wheel drive n as adj (vehicle: of SUV type)四驱的 front-wheel drive n (car: power to front wheels only) (汽车)前轮驱动Her new car's got front-wheel drive; it's a lot better on slippery roads than her old one was. go for a drive v expr (take: car trip)开车兜风;闲逛Let's go for a drive to the beach with our children. hard drive n (data-reading hardware) (电脑的)硬盘驱动器;硬盘The police were able to retrieve information from the fraudster's hard drive.警察设法从诈骗犯的硬盘中提取出了信息。 line drive n (baseball hit) (棒球击球)平直球 liner n colloquial (baseball hit) (棒球)平直球,直球The batter hit a liner in the second inning. motor drive (mechanics)电机驱动 self-drive adj UK (rented vehicle: driven by the renter)租来自己驾驶的 self-drive adj UK (vacation: driving your own car)自己开车度假的 sex drive n (sexual desire)性欲冲动After his surgery he had little sex drive. tape drive n (transfers data between computer and tape)磁带驱动器We used to load reels of tape onto the tape drive so old data could be read. test drive n (trial of car before buying)试驾




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