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词汇 dark
释义 darkUK:*/ˈdɑːrk/US:/dɑrk/ ,(därk)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: darkness主要翻译 dark adj (without light)黑暗的;昏暗的The house was dark when I woke up. Make sure you're home before it gets dark.我醒来的时候房子里很黑。在天黑前一定要回家。 dark adj (colour tone) (颜色)深色的,暗色的Richard is wearing a dark green shirt.理查德穿着一件深绿色的衬衣。 dark n (end of daylight)天黑;黄昏My parents want me home before dark.我父母想我天黑前回家。 the dark n (lack of light)黑暗He couldn't see the phone in the dark.黑暗中,他看不到电话。 the dark n (without electricity) (停电带来的)黑暗状态The town was left in the dark after the storm.暴风雨过后,全城停电,陷入黑暗。 其他翻译 dark adj (opaque)昏暗的We opened the dark lantern to let out a ray of light.提灯昏暗,我们打开灯罩,让一线光透了出来。 dark adj (threatening)阴沉沉的The sky was full of dark clouds.天上阴云密布。 dark adj (tone: deep) (声音)低沉的The viola has a darker tone than the violin.中提琴的音色比小提琴低沉。 dark adj (evil)邪恶的Many people consider him good, but he has a dark side, too.很多人认为他是好人,但他也有黑暗的一面。 dark adj (mysterious)神秘的;诡秘的A dark stranger came to town.一位神秘的陌生人来到小镇。 dark adj (complexion)浅黑色的Many people find dark skin attractive.很多人觉得深色肌肤很迷人。 dark adj figurative (gloomy) (比喻)阴暗的;黑暗的With a recession predicted to hit soon, these are dark days for the economy.经济衰退预计很快会到来,现在是经济的黑暗日子。 复合形式:dark | darkness afraid of the dark adj (scared of darkness)怕黑的She kept a nightlight on because she was afraid of the dark. be in a bad place, be in a dark place v expr figurative, informal (be in a poor state of mind, unhappy)不开心;糟糕的心情 dark ages npl figurative (being unenlightened)未开化的状态;黑暗时代My boss is still living in the dark ages. He thinks his female employees should make the coffee. dark and gloomy adj (weather: with grey skies) (指天气)阴沉沉的Bring your coat with you - it's dark and gloomy out. dark and gloomy adj (mood, outlook: pessimistic) (指心情)阴郁的The economic forecast for the next year is dark and gloomy. dark and gloomy adj (scene, house: ominous grim) (场景、房子等)阴森的The place was dark and gloomy during the winter months. dark blue n (navy, deep blue)深蓝色People wearing dark blue are hard to see at night. dark blue, dark-blue adj (navy, deep blue)深蓝色的People wearing dark blue clothing are hard to see at night. dark brown n (color: deep shade of brown)深棕色;深褐色 dark brown, dark-brown adj (color: deep shade of brown)深棕色的;深褐色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun dark chocolate n (plain or non-milk chocolate)黑巧克力Dark chocolate has become very popular of late. dark clouds npl (grey clouds threatening rain)乌云The rains will come soon: the air's heavy and dark clouds are gathering over the hills.空气凝滞,黑云压城,就快下雨了。 dark cloud n figurative (bad omen, pessimism) (比喻)不祥的预兆The bad news placed a dark cloud over her happiness. dark comedy n (black humour, macabre comedy)黑色幽默The play was a dark comedy filled with deliciously macabre characters. dark glasses npl (sunglasses)墨镜Some people wear dark glasses all the time, even when there's no need. He thought it was fashionable to wear his dark glasses at night.有些人无论什么时候都戴着墨镜,不管有没有需要。他觉得晚上戴墨镜很时髦。 dark green n (deep green color)深绿色 dark green, dark-green adj (deep green in color)深绿色的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. dark hair n (brunette or brown hair)深色头发She has naturally dark hair but she dyes it blond. dark horse n figurative (secretive person)神秘的人You're such a dark horse! - you never told me you'd got married.你真是个神秘的人!你从没告诉过我你已经结婚了。 dark horse n figurative (little known political candidate)黑马;出人意料的获胜者At first Obama was something of a dark horse, but he went on to win the election!起初奥巴马就像一匹黑马,鲜有人知,不过之后他成功赢得了大选! dark horse n (little-known racehorse)出人意外得胜的马;黑马Nobody bet on the dark horse, who went on to place first.没有人将赌注押在这匹得了第一名的黑马上。 dark magic n (witchcraft, black magic)黑魔法Dark magic can be used to steal people's souls. dark matter (theoretical physics)暗物质 dark meat n (poultry flesh)鸡腿肉;禽类腿上的肉The dark meat of a turkey has the strongest flavour.火鸡腿上的肉味道最为浓郁。 dark skin n (brown or olive complexion)深色皮肤African American mothers often have difficulty finding dolls with dark skin. dark skinned, dark-skinned adj (person: non-white)非白种人的;有色人种的;黑皮肤的备注: hyphen used when term is before a nounThe dark-skinned locals made us all look like ghosts!跟这些黑皮肤的本地人一比,我们白的像鬼一样! dark skinned, dark-skinned adj (tanned)晒黑的Sheila was so dark skinned after all those years abroad that I hardly recognised her. dark web n (clandestine internet content)暗网 dark wood n (wood of dark brown colour)深色木材Mahogany is a dark wood. dark-eyed adj (having dark-colored eyes)黑眼睛的 dark-haired adj (brunette)黑头发的;黑发的Is Jane the dark-haired girl or the blonde? get dark vi + adj (lose light: after sunset)变暗;变黑It's getting dark; we should turn around and head home. glow-in-the-dark adj (luminous)发光的Small dots of glow-in-the-dark paint can be applied to your light switches. go dark v expr (company: deregister) (公司)撤销注册 go dark v expr (room, stage, etc.: become dark)变暗 in the dark expr (where there is no light)在黑暗中;在无光处The lights in the cave went out, leaving the tourists in the dark.With heavy clouds covering the stars and moon, they walked along the path in the dark. in the dark expr figurative (uninformed, without knowledge of [sth])一无所知地, 不知道地There must be an answer to this problem, but I admit I'm in the dark.这个问题肯定能解开,但我承认我不知道。 in the dark of night expr poetic (at nighttime)在晚上In the dark of night, the forest became a menacing place.夜晚,森林成为了一个危险的地方。 keep [sb] in the dark v expr figurative (not tell [sb] about [sth])向...掩瞒;不告知;让...不知情She was surprised by the party, because her friends kept her in the dark when planning it. leap in the dark n (taking a chance, daring)轻举妄动;铤而走险 the pitch black, the pitch dark n (total darkness)漆黑备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the nounHe walks this road every night, in the pitch dark! pitch black, pitch-black, pitch dark, pitch-dark adj (totally dark)一片漆黑的There was no moon and the night was pitch black. shot in the dark n informal, figurative (wild guess) (非正式用语,比喻)瞎猜,乱猜He took a shot in the dark and guessed the correct answer on the test.




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