chokes off───使闷死;劝阻,阻止
chorus boy───歌舞剧中男歌手或舞者
chorus frog───合唱青蛙
closes off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账
comes of───出身于…;起源于…;由…引起
crosses off───从…划掉,删除
whole choruses of stairs are crowded people, you squeeze me, I push you.───整个楼梯都是拥挤的人人——你挤我,我挤你。
Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him chanting choruses of obscenities.───邪恶而面容丑陋的东西对着他跳舞,一边哼出污言秽语的合唱。
States grow ever more machine-like, men are transformed into statistical choruses of voters, producers, patients, tourists or soldiers.───国家变得越来越机械化,人民变成了数据化的投票者、生产者、病人、旅行者或者士兵。
Rachel: Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, I got the extended disco version, with three choruses of "You'll never make it on your own" .───是的,是的。事实上,这次是迪斯科加长版外加三重合唱的“你永远无法自力更生”。
Two bands, three choruses of singers .───有两个乐队,三个合唱队。
Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and───值得注意的例外是弓头鲸会发出近乎合唱团的声音在夏天的时候
- choruses meaning
- choruses songs
- choruses of tulips
- choruses definition
- choruses lyrics
- choruses of