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词汇 gas masks
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n.防毒面具( gas mask的名词复数 )


gas mask───防毒面具,毒气面具

gas mains───煤气总管

gas tanks───煤气筒,煤气罐;汽车之油箱

face masks───面罩(facemask的名词复数)

gas blacks───气黑




gas lamps───煤气灯


They were drilled in how to use their gas masks.───他们被反复指导如何使用防毒面具.

Gas - masks had been issued to everyone before they entered the danger zone.───在他们进入危险区之前,每人都发了防毒面具.

That's why Hallowell believes it was okay for people to indulge some extreme worries last fall by asking doctors for Cipro and buying gas masks.───这就是为什么汉龙威尔认为去年秋天人们陷于一些极端焦虑的现象是可以理解的,当时,他们让医生开抗炭疽菌的药物,并争相购买防毒面罩。

Then I get manic depressed, see the orthodontist, get gas masks, kick ass.───然后我得了狂躁病, 看那个牙齿矫正医生, 赶快找个氧气面具, 真强!

Rioters donned handkerchiefs as gas masks.───暴乱者扎上手帕捂住口鼻作为防毒面具.

Chemical incidents, can be used wet towel, wet mask, gas masks protect the respiratory tract.───化学事故中, 可用湿手巾 、 湿口罩 、 防毒面具保护呼吸道.

've seen people do breath control with gas masks whose rubber edges conform to the face and seal well, regulating the bottom's access to air through the breathing hose.───我见过一些人戴防毒面具,密封完好,施虐方通过控制面具下方的呼吸管来进行游戏。

If smog gets too Bad people will Be compelled to wear gas masks on the streets.───如果烟雾太多,人们在街道上将不得不戴上防毒面具.

He said the police lacked ladders, flash bombs, and gas masks when they approached and tried to pry open the bus. "What was going through your mind? You had time to study the bus," he said.───他说当警方接近并且试图进入车内的时候,他们缺少梯子,闪光弹,防毒面罩。


When most people think about gas masks or respirators, what they usually envision is a tight-fitting plastic or rubber face mask with some sort of filter cartridge.

Army surplus stores report a stream of buyers for gas masks, water-purification tablets, survival knives - even combat boots.

Some even began wearing gas masks to block the suspicious fumes.

If only someone could now miniaturise gas masks.

Those without gas masks sit out attacks holding napkins to their mouths.

While they all wore gas masks, none were tightly clothed, and none wore gloves.

Selling or wearing gas masks was made illegal.

One period a week, we did our lessons in our gas masks.

They took gas masks and attached grenades to their belts.

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