

词汇 gas field
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gas fields───天然气田(gasfield的复数)




gum field───口香糖田

coal field───[地质]煤田

far afield───远离;广泛地(的);闻所未闻(的)

gold field───金矿区



The disposal of gas field water is directly relative to gas production and environment protection.───解决气田水的出路,同采气生产和环境保护直接有关.

Luojiazhai gas field is a typical gas field with high sulfur content.───罗家寨气田为典型高含硫气田,开发此类气田,投资成本高, 开采 难度大.

Nearly 70 % casing - damaged well in complicated fault and gas field were caused by geology and engineering.───复杂断块油气田的套损井,有近70%是由于地质因素和工程因素造成的.

Russia is developing the vast Shkotman natural gas field off its Arctic coast.───俄罗斯正在开发其北冰洋沿岸的巨大的Shkotman天然气田。

Maysan , the gas field , failed to garner any bids at all.───米桑(Maysan)气田甚至未获得任何投标.

A new perforation completion technology is adopted recently in Bohai Offshore Oil & Gas Field.───介绍了 渤海湾 海上油气田最近采用的一种射孔新工艺.

A fast evaluation technique of offshore gas field is presented in this paper.───本文介绍海上气田快速评价技术.

The discovery of the largest oil and gas field in North America led to the Alaska Pipeline.───北美最大的石油和天然气田的发现,导致了阿拉斯加的管道运输。

It is the research on lithology and facies of volcanic reservoirs in Qingshen gas field of north Songliao basion.───这是松辽北部北部深深气田火山岩的岩性和相研究。

Some suggestions for optimization techniques applied in oil - gas field construction were proposed.───通过分析论证,对不同类型的油气田地面建设工艺提出了优化建议及改进措施.

Radiological protection standards for unsealed radioactive sources logging in oil and gas - field.───油(气)田非密封型放射源测井放射卫生防护标准.

Readymade Garments , Food Stuff , Oil and Gas Field Equipment, Oilfield Equipment, Readymade Garments , Food Stuff.───采购产品成衣, 食品, 油和瓦斯田设备, 成衣, 食品.

It refers to a gas field which means the invisible power.───用“气场”这个词语,是想比喻这种无形力量.

That makes it important to find new oil reserves and oil - gas field.───这就要求不断发现新的油气储量和开辟新的油气区.

The lithology of deep volcanic reservoir in Xingcheng area of Xushen gas field is complex.───徐深气田兴城地区深层火山岩储层岩性复杂、储层流体多变、属于特低孔隙度、特低渗透性储层.

This paper introduces development method of portal pressure detecting instrument in gas - field.───介绍了一种气田井口压力检测仪表的研制方法.

Bajiaochang gas field is a small - sized one in East Sichuan.───芭蕉场气田是川东地区的小型气田.

Fault field study is one of problems in and gas field development.───断层应力场研究是油气田开发等工程领域的难题之一.


The natural gas produced from Yulin gas field contains slight amount gas condensate.

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Fulongquan gas field is situated in transition zone between the massif in southeast of Songliao basin and the center depressed area. It is made up of south and north anticlinal high.

No gas fields occur in the Bramsche and Vlotho Massifs, although in the past many boreholes have been drilled there.

Capital construction is under way at several gas fields.

Moreover there are indications that in this gas field a secondary fracture porosity may exist.

Jingbian Gasfield is a large gas field of low permeability and low abundance, encountering difficulty in its development due to special geological features.

The disposal of gas field water is directly relative to gas production and environment protection.

The Atyrausk zone contained oil and gas fields.

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