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词汇 colorful
释义 colorfulUS:/ˈkʌlɚfəl/ ,(kul′ər fəl)UK:UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 colorful (US), colourful (UK) adj (many-hued)各种颜色的;色彩丰富的;五彩缤纷的His paintings are certainly colorful, aren't they?他的画真是五彩缤纷啊,不是吗? colorful (US), colourful (UK) adj (brightly-hued)色彩鲜艳的;颜色醒目的The hikers wore colorful jackets so they would be visible to hunters.徒步者穿了颜色醒目的外套,好让猎人分辨出来,避免意外中弹。 colorful (US), colourful (UK) adj figurative (person: full of character)富有特色的;吸引人的;引人注目的He makes a very colorful dinner guest.他是位非常引人注目的晚宴嘉宾。 colorful (US), colourful (UK) adj figurative (description: vivid)生动的;绘声绘色的They provided a colorful description of their travels.他们绘声绘色地描述了自己的旅行。 复合形式:colorful | colourful colorful character (US), colourful character (UK) n figurative (outgoing or eccentric person)怪人;与众不同的人 colorful language (US), colourful language (UK) n figurative (rude words)粗口,冒犯性言语I have to warn you, this movie contains some rather colourful language. colorful language (US), colourful language (UK) n figurative (vivid description)生动的语言,鲜活的语言The author described the scene with such colorful language that I felt as though I were actually there.




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