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词汇 code
释义 codeUK:*/ˈkəʊd/US:/koʊd/ ,(kōd)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 code n (number, password)密码What is the code to open the safe?打开保险箱的密码是什么? code n (laws, rules)法规,规章Sharing confidential information is against the company's code.共享机密信息违反公司法。 code n (standards)准则 code n (secret)密码 code n (computer program)代码There is an error in the code somewhere; I just haven't found it yet.代码中有一处错误,只是我还没找到而已。 code [sth] vtr (encrypt)加密The state government is coding all residents' social security numbers to prevent identity theft.为了防止身份盗窃的发生,州政府正对所有居民的社会保险号加密。 code [sth] vtr (computing: program) (电脑程序、代码等)编写I can code basic programs and know a little about web design.我会编写基本的程序,还懂一点网页设计。 code vi (computing: write programs) (计算机)编程,编写代码When Bert is coding, nothing will distract him.伯特写编程的时候,没什么事情能分散他的注意力。 其他翻译 code vi (genetics: specify protein) (遗传学)遗传编码 code vi technical (medicine: suffer cardiac arrest) (医疗)心搏骤停;心脏停跳This patient is coding; fetch the defibrillator! 复合形式: alphanumeric code n (computer code) (计算机)字母数字编码The alphanumeric code limits entries to letters and numbers. alphanumeric code n (barcode numbers and letters) (条形码)字母数字码 area code n (phone number: regional prefix)电话区号To make a long distance call, you need to dial the area code before the phone number. bank SWIFT code, SWIFT code n (bank's identification number)银行代码The SWIFT code is used to transfer money between banks and the routing code is used to process checks. bar code, barcode n (scannable strip on goods)条形码The shop assistant couldn't scan the bar code because it was covered up by a label. building code n (combination: gives entry)入口密码,通行密码 building code n US (construction regulations)建筑规范The building code requires that all staircases have railings of a certain height. code name, codename n (name used to conceal identity)代号;编码"Deep Throat" was the code name of one of the Watergate informants.“深喉”是水门事件告密者的代号。 code of conduct n (official rules)行为准则He was fired from the company for violating the code of conduct. code of ethics n (professional rules)道德规范;道德准则The psychiatrist could not give the police any information without violating her code of ethics. code word, codeword n (word: to break a code)代码字 code word, codeword n (password)密码Ali Baba used the code word "open sesame" to open the door to a cave filled with untold riches. code word, codeword n figurative (disguised reference) (比喻)暗语,暗号A code word like "code red" is used in hospitals to alert the staff of a fire without causing alarm to the patients. code-name [sth] vtr (assign a code name to)给…的代号为They code-named it "Operation White Swan". commercial code n (rules governing business practices)商业条例Business can be hindered if there are different commercial codes in neighboring jurisdictions. computer code n (instructions in a computer program)计算机代码;计算机编码 dress code n (acceptable clothing)着装要求;着装准则The invitation states that the dress code is formal.邀请函上说的着装要求是着正装。 genetic code (genetics)遗传密码;遗传编码 moral code n (ethical principles)道德规范It is wrong to think that because someone is not religious they have no moral code. Morse code n (communication system of dots and dashes)莫尔斯电码The sinking ship sent out an SOS in Morse code. penal code n (rules governing crime and punishment)刑典法Capital punishment was recently removed from the penal code for the offence of murder. postcode, postal code, post code n UK (zip code, address code)邮政编码;邮递区号What is the postcode for your home in London? secret code n (encryption)密码 security code n (series of digits used as pass code)安全代码,安全码You have to use a security code to open the door of the computer lab. sort code n (branch number of a bank)分类编码 source code n (computing: program instructions) (计算机)源代码 STD code n abbreviation (telephone: area prefix)长途区号;长途拨号代码 tax code n (code used to identify taxpayer)税务编号;税号You have to fill in your tax code at the top of the form. zip code, ZIP code n US (numbers indicating postal area)邮政编码;邮编It's embarrassing, but I can never remember my own zip code.尴尬的是,我从来记不住我的邮政编码。




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