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词汇 frown lines
释义 frown lines
frown lines发音



front lines───前线;第一线;锋面线

broken lines───断线;破裂线

crown lens───n.用冕牌玻璃做的透镜

firn lines───永久雪线;陈年雪线;粒雪线

foot lines───[水产]沉子纲

foul lines───(球场的)边线;界线

frame lines───肋骨线,肋骨型线;[摄]分格线;分帧线


Objective : To remove glabellar frown lines and crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.───目的: 利用抬眉术切口,去除眉间皱纹及鱼尾纹,提高面部年青化手术效果.

If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time, you will inevitably end up with frown lines,' Dr Prager, 42, said.───42岁的普拉杰医生说:“如果你在电脑前专心工作时常常蹙眉或眯眼斜视的话,那么很不幸,长此以往,你的面部将不可避免地出现皱纹。”

Impressive Results on Frown Lines, Laugh Lines , Under Eye Wrinkles and Crows Feet.───对蹙额线 、 笑纹 、 眼下皱、乌鸦脚纹的惊人效果.

if the muscles that cause those frown lines on your forehead could be prevented from moving, you too, could have skin like Nicole Kidman's.───如果那些引起抬头纹的肌肉运动能被阻止的话,你就也能拥有像妮可·基德曼那样的皮肤了。

And chronic stress and anxiety can lead to frown lines and a furrowed brow.───长期压力和焦虑有可能引起深皱纹,出格是眉头皱纹.

exposed belly, where a small tattoo hints at her racy, child-free past, the expectant fortysomething mother lies on the doctor's couch, frown lines forming.───母亲充满期待地躺在医生的检查椅上,她皱着眉头,手放在裸露的腹部上,那里有一处小小的纹身,暗示出她从没生育过孩子。 “孩子好吗?”


Objective : To remove glabellar frown lines and crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.

These five-minute injections plump out the frown lines and defeat wrinkles by relaxing forehead muscles.

But several sessions in the surgery can improve many scars, birth defects such as cleft lip, and deep frown lines.

And chronic stress and anxiety can lead to frown lines and a furrowed brow.

  • frowning definition meaning
  • frown lines
  • frowned on
  • frown on
  • frowns palm
  • frown gif




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