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词汇 from nature
释义 from nature
from nature发音



good nature───n.脾气好;温厚

ferae naturae───野生的;不属于私产的

force of nature───自然之力(歌曲名)

freak of nature───丑八怪

from nowhere───不知从什么地方;不知从何处;茫然若失(唱片名,FromNowhere)

good natures───n.脾气好;温厚



by nature───天生地;生性


Last but not least, city-residents are not only separated from nature but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbour.───最后但同样重要的,城市居民不仅与自然隔绝,而且彼此隔绝,他们甚至不知道隔壁邻居的名字。

Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.───许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。

Heavy rain is a gift from nature.───大雨是自然给的礼物。

in the stone and tree-Root carvings, which look just as if they originated from nature.───这些石头和树根艺术品,一点看不出刻意雕琢的痕迹,恰好像出于自然一样。

Through my work I'm trying to articulate that humans are not separate from nature and that everything is interconnected.───通过我的艺术作品我试着阐明人类不是与自然分隔开而是每一件事都是互相联系的。

As in other great novelists " novels, symbolism in A Farewell to Arms tends to be taken from nature and religion. "───《永别了,武器》中的象征同其他伟大作家的小说一样趋向取材于自然和宗教。

Oil painting from nature, as one of the major means of improving color skill, plays a significant role in the basic oil painting teaching.───风景油画写生,作为训练学生提高色彩能力的主要教学手段之一,在油画基础教学体系中占有十分重要的地位。

The temperatures in four seasons are different, which results from nature's arrangement and control. The different seasons compose a year.───四季气温不同,这是自然统一调度、特别安排的结果。不同的季节轮流更替,形成一个年的周期。

THERE was a time when conservation meant keeping people away from nature.───曾经有一段时间,保护环境就是意味着不让人们接触大自然。


By learning from nature, we can be abundant in every sense with the least expenditure of effort.

" Inspiration comes from nature, the most importance of service is realize ", " Leading current, Overstep vogue "

A soul released from Nature, from impressions, and from everyday life.

The process from nature worship, Totem worship to ancestor worship is continuously strengthening humans.

Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.

Bionics is the approach of finding solutions from nature.

With these new molecules from nature scientists hope to combat one of the most uncomfortable and vexing problems in medicine more effectively.

Nylon is a synthetic; it is not from nature.

The spirit light coming from nature is rising freely in the smooth curve of the white beech.

  • from italy
  • from his
  • from there
  • from e
  • from the root
  • from hand to mouth
  • from up
  • from side to side
  • from image
  • from flooding
  • from atmy friend
  • from far away
  • from me
  • from results
  • from pole to pole
  • from of
  • from that
  • from the time
  • from innoboby
  • from blue
  • from the american dream to a chinese




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