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词汇 C
释义 CUK:*'C', 'c': /ˈsiː/US:'C', 'c': /si/ ,'C', 'c': (sē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: Celsius, centigrade主要翻译 C, c n (3rd letter of alphabet)[字母表的第三个字母]Does your surname begin with a C or a K?你的姓是以C还是K开头? C n (school grade: pass) (成绩)C等If I can manage to get a C in physics, I will be able to graduate on time.如果物理课能拿到C等,我就可以按时毕业。 C n (musical note) (音乐)C 音,C 调If I sing this in the key of C I can hit the high notes.这首歌用C调唱我就能唱出高音部分。 C n (temperature: centigrade, celsius) (温度)摄氏度Water freezes at 0 degrees C.水在零摄氏度结冰。 C, c vtr textspeak, abbreviation (see) (see的简写)看见,会见C U 2nite! [See you tonight!]晚上见! 其他翻译 C, C., c, c. n written abbreviation (century) (简写)世纪 c., c prep written abbreviation (circa) (简写)约;约为 复合形式:C | c. | Celsius | centigrade a/c, A/C, AC n abbreviation (air conditioning)空调The unit comes fully equipped, including A/C. B.C.E., BCE n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering)化学工程学士学位 B.C.E., BCE n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering)化学工程学士 B.C.E., BCE n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Civil Engineering)土木工程学士学位 B.C.E., BCE n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Civil Engineering)土木工程学士 BC, B.C. adv initialism (Before Christ) (缩略语)公元前The Greek philosopher Socrates was born around 470 BC. BCE, B.C.E. adv initialism (Before the Common Era)公元前Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 BCE. C-section n informal, abbreviation (Cesarean section)剖腹产A third of all pregnancies in the US end in a C-section. C/A n initialism (capital account)资本帐户 C/F n initialism (carried forward) (会计)结转 c/o, C/o prep written, initialism (correspondence: care of) (care of的缩写形式)由...转交Please send the package "c/o Jeremy Walters". CBC, C.B.C. n initialism (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)加拿大广播公司 CDC, C.D.C. n initialism (Centers for Disease Control)疾病控制中心; (缩写)疾控中心 CR, C.R. n initialism (Costa Rica)哥斯达黎加 CR, C.R. n initialism (credit report)信用报告;征信报告 DC, D.C. n initialism (District of Columbia) (美国直辖区,首字母缩略语)哥伦比亚特区Washington, DC is home to the White House. middle C n (music: central note on piano)中央C;中央C音The music teacher played middle C so the choir could begin on key. NC, N.C. n written, abbreviation (US state: North Carolina)北卡罗来纳州 OTC, O.T.C. n UK, initialism (Officers' Training Corps)军官训练团 RC, R.C. adj initialism (Roman Catholic)天主教的 vitamin C n (organic nutrient)维生素CVitamin C is important for general health and as a booster for the immune system.Oranges are a good source of vitamin C. Washington, Washington, D.C. n (capital of USA) (美国首都)华盛顿Washington is the capital of the USA. water closet, WC, W.C., w/c n UK, formal (toilet)厕所;洗手间The first public water closets were opened in Fleet Street in London in 1852. WC, W.C., w/c n UK, informal, abbreviation (water closet: toilet) (water closet的缩写形式)洗手间,厕所The WC is at the end of the corridor.




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