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词汇 free throws
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free throw───罚球

free shots───无人防守射门;射空门

free throw lanes───罚球区

free throw lines───罚球线

free charges───免费;[电]自由电荷

free periods───空闲时间;自由周期;空课时间

free schools───(英)免费学校;(美)自由学校(由私人经办,反对传统讲授法,提倡学生按兴趣活动)

free throw lane───罚球区

free throw line───罚球线


He had attempted 330 free throws.───他目前已上过罚球线330次了.

Odom ( 16 points, 12 rebounds ) made free throws for a 112 - 106 lead.───奥多姆 ( 16分, 12个篮板 ) 投中了他所有的罚球,湖人 112-106 领先.

Section III LAS strong opening and eating Blount successful, but two free throws only one hit.───第三节阿联开场又强吃布朗特得手, 可惜两次罚球只命中一次.

Los Angeles took 34 free throws to Boston's 22.───湖人得到34次罚球,而凯尔特人得到22次罚球.

We can take free throws to decide who go first.───我们用罚球来决定谁先开场.

The Lakers shot 14 more free throws in that game.───那场球,湖人比掘金多14次罚篮.

Led her teammates in free throws.───罚球命中率在全队中最高.

Tough is wanting free throws when everyone is missing them.───刚性就是所有人都投不中时你得罚中.

He also missed five free throws, points that could have given the Lakers that 3 - 0 lead.───他投失了5个关键的能使湖人扩大至3-0的领先优势的罚球.

They missed 10 free throws and had some costly turnovers.───湖人们很欠扁的是投失了10次罚球,犯了一些代价太大的失误.

He stepped to the line and made two free throws.───他走向罚球线,罚了两次球.

The Lakers shot more free throws, 35 - 30 .───而且湖人得到了更多的罚球机会, 35-30.

get to the foul line AND make free throws?───做的很好。能够让自己造成对手犯规并且在罚球线上得分?

Aldridge added a pair of free throws to extend it.───阿德里奇再两罚全中,把比分进一步扩大.

After the foul, the player got two free throws.───犯规后, 那个队员得了两个罚篮.

Wesley added two more free throws to ice it.───韦斯利随后又命中两记罚球使比分冻结.

big thing is free throws.───罚球很重要。

He made three free throws.───他做了三次自由投掷。


Then Willis made two more free throws.

Sally makes both her free throws.

Chris Childs hit two free throws to make it 88-87.

Wesley added two more free throws to ice it.

He was fouled immediately and made both free throws to give the Knicks a 91-88 lead.

They missed 10 of 26 free throws and turned the ball over 16 times.

Whitney made both free throws in the final minute of the game.

Missed free throws usually indicate when a team becomes tired.

They made enough free throws in the final minutes to maintain a multi-possession lead.

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