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词汇 blood money
释义 blood money 主要翻译 blood money n (payment to a hired killer)雇佣杀手的钱The assassin never told his wife that the money he gave her was blood money; he lied about it. blood money n (payment to murder victim's kin)抚恤金, 补偿金 blood money n figurative (earned by sacrificing others)血腥钱,沾满了他人鲜血的钱Judas received blood money when he betrayed Jesus. She considered money earned at the cost of so many people's lives 'blood money' and refused to accept it.犹大背叛耶稣时收了血腥钱。她认为以牺牲那么多人的生命换来的钱是‘血腥钱’并且拒绝接受。




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