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词汇 four hours
释义 four hours
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after hours───adv.下班;工作完毕后




four corners───十字路口


extra hours───额外时间

final hours───最后几个小时

amateur hours───业余时间


He's already been gone four hours!───他已离开4个小时了!

She only sleeps for four hours a night.───她每天晚上只睡四个小时。

The flight will take four hours.───此次飞行将需要四个小时。

Our earth turns on its axis once in every twenty-four hours, and goes also round the sun once a year.───地球围绕自己的轴线旋转为每24小时一周,即一天;地球环绕太阳一次的时间为一年。

You need more calories during the day than sedentary people, so it's better to spread them out with a small meal every three to four hours.───你比坐着不动的普通人需要更多的卡路里。所以,最好是把一日三餐打散,每3到4小时就小餐一顿。

FBI 1: We don't have time for this scientist to talk to the guy. We went at him for four hours, got nothing.───我们没时间让这个科学家盘问他了,我们套了他四个小时,啥都没套到。

"Farmers were barely able to work three or four hours a day, four times a week on average (during the conflict), " calculates Daud.───“(冲突期间)农民们每周平均只能下地干活四次,每次几乎干不足三、四个小时,”Daud说。

And I had the key to that woman's apartment, and in three or four hours she would be mine once more!───而我身上却有着这个女人的房门钥匙,三四个小时以后,她又将是我的人。

These systems are also very slow - you may have to wait for up to four hours for it to produce a gallon of drinkable water.───另外这些系统运作起来也是十分耗时――要生产出1加仑的饮用水你也许得等上4个小时。


l only slept for four hours that night.

We got there in less than four hours.

The rain pelted down for nearly four hours.

She only sleeps for four hours a night.

Firefighters battled the flames for four hours last night.

We're four hours ahead of New York .

He lay injured for four hours before help arrived.

Chicago is four hours north of Indianapolis.

It took four hours to write the essay.

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