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词汇 architectural style
释义 architectural style
architectural style发音



architectural salvage───建筑抢救

architectural bronze───建筑青铜合金

architectural detail───建筑大样


architectural practice───建筑实践

architectural bronzes───建筑青铜合金



The architectural style usually referred to as High Tech was also emerging.───建筑风格通常设计高科技也显现出来.

Simple and elegant architectural style, the White House.───朴素、典雅, 构成白宫建筑风格的基调.

The Robson Square Conference Center and the Provincial Court House building are noted for their modern architectural style.───罗宾逊广场会议中心和地方法院的现代化建筑风格,亦为世人瞩目。

This kind of architectural style depresses me.───这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑.

The logo represents the architectural style of the new airport design.───本标志成功地再现了新机场主体建筑物的设计风格.

The hotel is a Europe architectural style union body villa, with nearly ten thousand square meters.───酒店建筑面积近万平方米,是一幢具有欧洲建筑风格的联体别墅.

Renaissance architectural style: 13 end of the century to the mid - 15 th century architectural styles.───文艺复兴建筑风格: 13世纪末到15世纪中叶的建筑风格.

And its design items and architectural style are also very unique.───同时它的设计作品和建筑风格也非常独特.

Second, the region has created city images by giving prominence to local feature and architectural style.───二是塑造城市形象,突出地方特色和建筑风格.

After renovation, the music hall has never changed in respect of the architectural style.───平移扩建后, 音乐厅在建筑风格上也并未改变.

The entire building structure simple, powerful simplicity, showing the architectural style of the Tang Dynasty.───整个建筑结构简练, 古朴雄浑, 显示了唐代建筑风格.

The Yu Garden is characteristic of the architectural style of the Ming dynasty.───明朝的建筑风格在那里尽显其特色.

Keeping more of the early practices, with a significant local architectural style of southern Zhejiang.───保留较多早期手法, 具有明显的浙南地方建筑风格.

I don't particularly like the architectural style of the city.───对这座城市的建筑风格我感觉一般.

The advantage of this architectural style is its simplicity.───这样的体系结构样式的优势是其简单性。

European Hebei King Holiday Inn is a European - style architectural style of - related business hotel.───河北欧景假日酒店是一家欧式建筑风格的涉外商务酒店.

The school layout is scientific . Its unique architectural style and the environment are pleasing and elegant.───学校布局合理, 建筑风格独特,环境温馨典雅.


Astana’s architectural style can best be described as idiosyncratic.

The palace is a complete hotch-potch of architectural styles.

A striking feature of this architectural style is the elliptical windows.

Adding great architectural style, the conservatory also provides a wealth of extra colour and light at the back of he house.

The architectural style of the region was derived partly from Kiev but was also influenced by Novgorod and by Western Byzantine culture.

The new library is a blend of various architectural styles.

Simple and elegant architectural style,[ style.html] the White House.

There are all manner of architectural styles in the capital.

It's definitely Chinese in architectural style.

  • architecturally designed homes
  • architectural structure
  • architectural style
  • architecturally drafted
  • architectural equivalent of
  • architectural styles
  • architecturally significant homes
  • architecturally sound
  • architectural digest
  • architecturally yours




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