

词汇 engineering works
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engineering work───工程工作

engineering course───工科

engineering factories───工程工厂

engineering feat───工程壮举

engineering company───工程公司

engineering factory───工程厂

engineering sector───工程部门

engineering sciences───工程科学



Brand - new twenty - first century, our opportunity is for you to create the best display of engineering works.───崭新的二十一世纪中, 我们的机遇就是为您创作最优秀的展示工程作品.

They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.───他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。

The train was diverted to Cambridge because of engineering works on the main line.───由于干线上正在施工,所以火车改道去剑桥.

The promoter of civil engineering works normally determines the conditions of contract.───通常由土木土木工程的发包人确定合同的条款。

Listen to the podcast. Today, on Engineering Works!───听一下今天的“工程杰作”的播客!


A couple of blokes from the engineering works were carrying a packing case into the building.

He began a technical apprenticeship at the Empress Engineering Works.

This it estimated would cost between £120 million and £225 million because it would need major civil engineering works.

The train was diverted to Cambridge because of engineering works on the main line.

Train services on Sunday will be restricted, because of engineering works.

It has large brick works, engineering works and freezing factories.

The investigation showed that the pollution probably derived from an engineering works that closed some 15 years ago.

It now houses an engineering works.

They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.

  • engineering design
  • engineering projects




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