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词汇 b.
释义 b. 复合形式: B and B, B&B, B & B n abbreviation (bed and breakfast)住宿加次日早餐;提供住宿加次日早餐的旅馆 B complex n (group of eight vitamins)维生素B复合物The B complex is essential for a healthy nervous system. B-movie n (low-quality film)B级片 B-side n (flip side of a pop single) (流行音乐唱片)B面 B.A., BA, A.B., AB n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Arts)文学学士;文学士Sarah has a BA in Art History from the University of East Anglia. B.A., BA n initialism (person: Bachelor of Arts)文学士Eric is a BA in Economics from Princeton University. B.B.A., BBA n initialism (Bachelor of Business Administration)工商管理学士学位Jim graduated with a BBA. B.B.A., BBA n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Business Administration)工商管理学士She is a B.B.A. who now works as Marketing Director at a big international company. B.C.E., BCE n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering)化学工程学士学位 B.C.E., BCE n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering)化学工程学士 B.C.E., BCE n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Civil Engineering)土木工程学士学位 B.C.E., BCE n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Civil Engineering)土木工程学士 B.Eng., BEng, B.E., BE n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Engineering)工程学士 B.Eng., BEng, B.E., BE n initialism (holder of an engineering degree) (首字母缩略)工程学位拥有者 B.F.A., BFA n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts)艺术学士学位Terry received a B.F.A. from the University of Texas. B.F.A., BFA n initialism ([sb]: Bachelor of Fine Arts)艺术学士The CEO is a BFA and MBA with specialties in online marketing communications. b.o. n abbreviation (body odor)体味,体臭 b.o. n abbreviation (box office)票房;售票处 b.o. n abbreviation (back order)待发货订单,积压订单 B.S.A. n initialism (Boy Scouts of America)美国童子军The vision of the B.S.A. is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen. b/c conj written, abbreviation (because)因为,由于 B/S, b/s n written, initialism (bill of sale)转让或抵押契约,卖契 b&w, b & w, b and w, B/W, BW n written, abbreviation (black and white)白纸黑字,以书面形式 b&w, b & w, b and w, B/W, BW adj written, abbreviation (black and white)黑白的,黑白相间的;简单明了的,非黑即白的 Bachelor of Arts n (humanities degree)文学学士学位I got my Bachelor of Arts in European Languages in 1986. Bachelor of Arts n (holder of humanities degree)文学学士;具有文学学士学位的人This job requires that an applicant be a Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Science n (graduate degree)理学学士学位Richard has a Bachelor of Science from Lancaster University. Bachelor of Science n (holder of science degree)理学学士;拥有理学学士学位的人Kate is a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. BC, B.C. adv initialism (Before Christ) (缩略语)公元前The Greek philosopher Socrates was born around 470 BC. BCE, B.C.E. adv initialism (Before the Common Era)公元前Julius Caesar was born in the year 100 BCE. bed and breakfast n (small guesthouse)提供住宿加早餐的旅馆;简易旅馆I like to stay in a bed and breakfast instead of in a big hotel.我喜欢住简易旅馆,不喜欢住大酒店。 bed and breakfast n uncountable (lodging with morning meal)提供住宿加次日早餐Several houses in this village offer bed and breakfast.这个村子有几家人提供住宿和早餐。 b***ch, b*tch n vulgar, written, slang (bitch) (粗话)荡妇;婊子备注: "Bitch", especially when used as a pejorative slang term, can be spelled "b***ch" or "b*tch" when someone wants to avoid writing out a profane word.Eve got a detention for calling someone a b***ch.伊芙骂别人是“婊子”,因此被罚放学关禁闭。 BM, B.M., MB n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Medicine) (首字母缩略语)医学学士学位 BM, B.M., BMus n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Music) (首字母缩略语)音乐学士学位 BM, B.M. n initialism (British Museum)大英博物馆 BP, B.P. n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Pharmacy)药学学士 BP, B.P. n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Philosophy)哲学学士 BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n initialism (finance: basis point) (金融)基点 BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n initialism (business: bills payable) (商业)应付票据 bp, b.p. n initialism (chemistry: boiling point) (化学)沸点 BP, B.P. adj abbreviation (archeology: before the present) (考古学)距今 BP, B.P., bp, b.p. adj initialism (alcohol: below proof) (酒精)不合格的,低于标准酒精度的 BS, B.S., BSc, BSc. n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Science)理科学士Lauren is studying for a B.S. in Chemistry at Cornell. BS, B.S., BSc, BSc. n initialism (holder of Bachelor of Science degree)理科学士持有人 CBC, C.B.C. n initialism (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)加拿大广播公司 d.o.b., DOB, D.O.B n written, abbreviation (date of birth)出生日期 FOB, F.O.B. n US, initialism (shipping: free on board) (free on board的缩写形式)船上交货价, 离岸价FOB is a term used in shipping. from A to B adv (from one point to another)从A到B地;从一点到另一点地 GB, G.B. n initialism (Great Britain: England, Scotland, Wales) (缩写)大不列颠,英国Maxwell shows his British pride with a "GB" bumper sticker on his car. L.L.B. n initialism (degree: Bachelor of Laws)法学学士 N.B., NB expr written, Latin, initialism (nota bene)留心 nota bene expr Latin (note well)请注意;请留意 OBO, obo, o.b.o. expr initialism (or best offer)或最佳报价The car is for sale for $5,000 OBO. R&B n abbreviation (rhythm and blues)节奏布鲁斯;节奏蓝调I love listening to R&B. rhythm and blues n (African-American music style) (音乐类型)节奏布鲁斯 type B, Type B n (blood group B) (血型)B型 type B, Type B n (person of blood group B)B型血的人 type B, Type B adj (blood: of group B) (血型)B型的 type B, Type B adj (person: of blood group B)B型血的 vitamin B n (organic nutrient)维生素BHe was suffering from a vitamin B deficiency.




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