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词汇 for example
释义 for example
for example发音

例如, 譬如; 拿 ... 来说


to example───以身作则

good example───好榜样

rare example───罕见的例子

par exemple───(法)例如(等于forexample)

famous example───著名的例子

above example───上面的例子

floor sample───地板样品

other examples───其他例子



they, for example, demonstrated a commitment to democracy?───例如,他们展现了对民主的奉献吗?

For example, fifty kilos of recycled paper saves one tree.───例如, 回收五十千克的废纸可以保存一颗树.

Many commercials, for example, attempt to provide surrogate reference groups.───例如:许多商业广告力图提供一些代理参照体.

For example, a ripeness defense was rejected in Abbott Labs itself.───例如, 在"艾博特试验室"案里,即否决了时机成熟辩护理由.

Living in such a beautiful old castle is something of a mixed blessing. Just think of the heating bills, for example.───居住在这座美丽的古城堡中既有利,也有弊. 比如,想想它昂贵的取暖费用吧.

Take, for example, the simple sentence: "The man climbed up the hill"───以Themanclimbedupthehill这个简单句为例。

Cancer today, for example, is largely a treatable disease.───例如, 癌症现在已基本上是一种可治之症.

I know many women who have a career and a family — Kehr for example.───我知道有许多妇女能事业家庭兼顾——凯尔就是其中之一.

Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.───许多因素都很重要,如阶级、性别、年龄及民族。

The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.───这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括进去。

A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.───可以采取一些简单的预防措施,比如确保桌子的高度合适。

Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978).───多项调查一致显示,男性认为天黑后在大街上行走是安全的。比如,参见欣德朗和加罗法洛(1978)。

Football, for example, is very popular in the world.───比如, 足球在世界上是非常受欢迎的.

Take, for example, the simple sentence: "The man climbed up the hill."───以这个简单句为例:“那个人爬上了山坡。”

Great men have often risen from poverty -- Lincoln and Edison, for example.───大人物常常出身 贫寒, 例如林肯和爱迪生.

There are many sources of air pollution ; exhaust fumes, for example.───空气污染有许多来源, 例如废气.

Our lead ( = in a sports competition , for example ) was being gradually whittled away.───我们的领先优势在逐渐削弱.

For example, people in Israel dip sweet apples into honey.───比如, 以色列人吃甜苹果蘸蜜.

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