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词汇 tiptoe around
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to come around───回心转意

to mope around───闷闷不乐

to move around───四处走动

to nose around───四处窥探

to poke around───四处闲逛

fiddle around───玩弄;吊儿郎当;虚度光阴;不务正业

lie around───点缀;到处都是;无所事事


Thank you," she said softly. And she moved forward, right up against him. She went on tiptoe and looped her arms around his neck.───谢谢,”她温柔说。走到他的面前。她踮起脚尖,把她的胳膊套在他的脖子上。

When we visited my grandparents in their Manhattan apartment, I would tiptoe around Grandpa, fearful of brushing against him and drawing his ire.───当我们访问祖父母位于曼哈顿的寓所时,我会紧紧盯着爷爷,小心翼翼,生怕惹他老人家生气。

Read it and you'll understand how we got here, why Wall Street will keep recreating these disasters and how you can tiptoe around the worst of the damage.───读了这本书,你就会明白我们是怎样到达这步田地的,为什么华尔街不断制造这些灾害,以及你应该怎样小心翼翼地绕过危害。

'but it would be a boring world if we always had to tiptoe around, being kind. for one thing, we wouldn't be able to tell any jokes.───你可以问这三个问题,但如果大家都小心翼翼地当好人,这个世界就会变得很无聊。至少有一点可以肯定,我们没办法开玩笑了。

It's just that he is often a bit too eager to tiptoe around them.───这仅仅是因为,作者往往太过急切,没有小心翼翼绕过他们。

Now a Professor at Buckingham University, Mr Woodhead has never been one to tiptoe around fundamental issues, however explosive they may be.───现任白金汉大学教授Woodhead先生可不是个会在那些涉及基本原则的话题面前踯躅不前的人,不管那些话题有多劲爆。

In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to tiptoe around the war question and when that didn't wash, he simply lied about it.───1940年,罗斯福想悄悄地规避战争的问题,当无法掩盖时,他干脆扯谎。

Hafen. 'But it would be a boring world if we always had to tiptoe around, being kind.───你可以问这三个问题,但如果大家都小心翼翼地当好人,这个世界就会变得很无聊。

The first big mistake is to think there is something called an artistic temperament that dreary suits need to tiptoe around.───第一个大错误就是认为,世界上存在一种叫做艺术气质的东西,需要穿着忧郁的服装,踮着脚尖走路。


Dillon, however, seems to tiptoe around the issue, as if afraid either to offer his own thesis or to establish his own workable definition of hypochondria.

  • tiptoe around
  • tiptoe the tortoise
  • tiptoe through the tulips




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