mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere.───杯子倒了,热咖啡溅得到处都是。
The wind nearly tipped over the car.───大风几乎把汽车掀翻了。
The high wind tipped over the car.───大风掀翻了汽车。
One day, however, the bottle tipped over and she released her grip on the dog for just a moment to wipe up the mess.───然而有一天,因为瓶子倾斜,使得液体流到地面,她只好先把狗放开,准备清理地面。
A three-story building has been tipped over on its side and the only sign of its former existence is the hollowed shell made of metal beams.───另一栋三层楼高的建筑翻倒在一侧,只有已被掏空的钢筋外壳能证实它之前的存在。
The canoe tipped over, but fortunately we were able to swim across the river.───小船翻了,但幸运的是我们得以游过了河。此时的
A cartoon shows parents coming home to find their house trashed: lamps broken, food scraps all over the floor, plants tipped over.───一幅漫画画著,父母回到家中,发现屋子里一塌糊涂:台灯坏了,食物碎屑散满一地,植物被翻倒。
The demons tipped over their container, and boiling liquid poured down on Desdel and his nearby companions.───恶魔将装满沸腾液体的容器倾倒过来,沸腾的液体倾泻而下,浇在戴斯德和他旁边的同伴身上。
Because of not being able to cope with everyday life they were tipped over the edge into breakdown.───因为不能应付日常生活,他们处于崩溃的边缘。
The candle tipped over and the hay caught fire.
The mug tipped over, spilling hot coffee everywhere.
The wind nearly tipped over the car.
The high wind tipped over the car.
The boat tipped over.
The lamp on the table tipped over.
His hat was tipped over his forehead.
The bowl was tipped over by the cat which jumped in through the window.
She tipped over the chair and collapsed into the corner with a splintering crash.
- tipped uterus
- tipped over it side
- tipped over