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词汇 ill effects
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Hall effects───[地质][电磁]霍尔效应,内液增阻效应

halo effects───晕轮效应;连锁反应;[心理]成见效应

side effects───副作用

Hall effect───[地质][电磁]霍尔效应,内液增阻效应

in effect───实际上;生效



Exogamy prevents the ill effects of inbreeding and promotes evolution of human race.───其一,防止了近亲婚配所带来的不良影响,促进了人种的进化.

She suffered no ill effects from the experience.───这次经历没有使她受到不良影响。

People who suffer cancer experience ill effects from chemotherapy treatments.───化疗会给癌症患者带来严重的毒副反应.

The research widens possibilities for suspending metabolism, then resuming life without ill effects.───此研究使人们对动物停止新陈代谢后再毫发无损的恢复生命的可行性大增.

Another keeper and a vet flew with the animals to make sure they suffered no ill effects from the journey.───另一个饲养员和一名兽医与这些动物一起飞行,以防它们在旅程中受到任何不良的影响。

Some people are still suffering ill effects from the contamination of their water.───一些人仍在承受水质受污染的恶果。

Increase in risk awareness at this time, there are a hundred benefits any ill effects.───这时增加一点风险意识, 有百益而无一害.

The body is able to overcome to a certain extent the ill effects of hemorrhage.───身体能在一定程度克服失血带来的不良影响.

Unfortunately, this adjuvant cannot be used in humans because it causes abscesses and other ill effects.───遗憾的是, 由于这种佐剂能引起脓肿和其他不良的后果,所以它不能在人体内使用.

Some of its ill effects may not be immediately apparent.───有的现象可能短期内看不出多大坏处.

He remonstrated with his son on the ill effects of smoking.───他告诫儿子说吸烟有不良影响.

Knowledge of the ill effects of cigarettes has led to a modification in cigarette advertising.───人们对烟草危害的认识使得烟草广告有所减少.

Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.───她尽管备受磨难,但好像并未受到不利影响。


On the other hand, there are ill effects:.

She suffered no ill effects from the experience.

Did you experience any ill effects from the treatment?

Some people are still suffering ill effects from the contamination of their water.

Many people consumed the poisoned oil without ill effects .

Knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has led to a modification in smoking behaviour.

Brownell did pioneering research on the ill effects of yo-yo dieting.

For the ill effects of bruises and other mechanical trauma, after Arnica.

He didn't seem to have suffered any ill effects from his fall.

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